
To the Editor: Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request made

Dear Citizens of Westfield,
This is an open letter to the public to share the recently submitted to the City of Westfield under the Massachusetts Public Records Law (Mass. General Laws, Chapter 66, Section 10).
Since the Westfield School Department chose to conduct discussions and decisions regarding its actions to close the Juniper Park, Abner Gibbs, and Franklin Avenue Elementary Schools, in private executive sessions closed to the public, and in some cases without recording any minutes of these discussions, and without any public hearings for parents, students, and interested citizens to voice their opinions prior to the School Committee’s commitment to close these schools.
Please be aware that according to the Mass. General Laws, and the City of Westfield’s Charter, the School Committee is the elected public body in charge of the public school buildings and their grounds. We believe it is long past the time to pose the following requests for information.

  1. Documentation that Westfield State College/University initiated any demands or request(s) of the Westfield School Department to vacate any classroom space at the Juniper Park Elementary School prior December 2011 when the School Committee voted to terminate the JP lease.
  1. Documentation that the Westfield School Committee duly authorized the Mayor of Westfield to enter into any discussions and meetings with WSC/WSU to renegotiate the School Department’s 2009-2012 Juniper Park Elementary School lease.
  1. Documentation showing that the Westfield School Committee duly authorized the Mayor of Westfield to enter into and complete the MSBA’s Enrollment Certification process in 2010.
  1. Documentation that the Westfield School Committee duly authorized the Mayor to commit the School Department to close the Abner Gibbs, Juniper Park, and Franklin Avenue Elementary Schools, in order to prove to the MSBA, a sufficient 600 student enrollment at the proposed Model Elementary School on Ashley St.
  1. Documentation that the Westfield School Committee advertised and conducted any public hearings to allow the citizens of Westfield, and especially the parents of Juniper Park students, to be heard prior to the School Committee’s December 2011 executive session vote to approve the renegotiated Juniper Park lease that terminated the School Department’s use of the Juniper Park School building.
  1. Documentation showing that the Westfield School Committee offered, advertised, and conducted any public hearings that would have allowed the citizens of Westfield, especially the families of students attending the Juniper Park, Franklin Avenue, and Abner Gibbs Elementary schools, to voice their opinions regarding the City of Westfield’s commitment to close these three neighborhood schools.
  1. Documentation showing the Westfield School Committee voted to approve any plans for the location and design of the proposed Abner Gibbs Model Elementary School.
  1. Documentation showing the Westfield School Committee voted to authorize the acquisition of land needed for the siting of the proposed new elementary school.
  1. Documentation showing the Westfield School Committee authorized the destruction of the Ashley St. School building.

Thank you.
Tom and Dan Smith

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