
To the Editor: Brian Hoose

Hello Ward 3,
I did not think I would use my option of a 2nd editorial, but after my opponent’s survey comments I had to use it to point out a problem I had with his description of the property tax situation.  I do not know if this is inexperience, or a cleaver use of language to make a point.  “Residential property taxes have increased 71 percent in the past dozen years….”  I like to keep things simple and easy to understand.  I do not know where he got his numbers.  Our rate on residential property was $15.66 per $1,000 in FY05.  In FY15 it was $18.54 per $1,000.  That is a less than a $3.00 per $1,000 increase over 10 years.  I know that it is important to dramatize for one’s interest but, I prefer a more fact based way of doing things.  Take last year’s tax discussions, in talking to constituents they were irked by what was presented, when I explained that the tax increase was in all actuality $40.00 for the year on the average mortgage; they were still not pleased but, less pleased with what they were told would be much higher especially when they thought about the services that they need as: police, fire, schools, DPW, etc. to function for us.  And, while all of us can point out where we would do things differently, most are realistic to know that costs go up.  Over 10 years a lot of costs have gone up.  A big part of this is that Private Sector provider costs go up, especially when these costs include health care and retirements.  As I have said as the person on the Council with the lowest income, I don’t like it, but also as said life costs and it is our responsibility to provide for the needs of Westfield, and up-grade our resources to compete in attracting new businesses.  And, we cannot rely on the State or the Fed to be there.
Next: He said that there is to be a 4 percent increase this year.  I do not know where that came from we have not even begun to discuss taxation yet.  And, with our Cash Reserve (rainy day fund) in good shape who knows.
Lastly, in his radio statement he said I do not know the people in this Ward. Maybe not all, and most are not bosom buddies, and lifelong friends, but I do know:  Irene M. on Dana St., Larry O. on Russell Rd., Marguerite M., on Franklin; Mr. Campbell and Mark, on Orange; Tom on Belmont; Steve and Marie on Ridgeway, Judith on Tekoa Ter., Sandra on Western Ave.; Mr. Fernandes and Margarie on Day Ave., Denise on Holland; Peter M. on Allen Ave., the Sams on Jefferson, the Watsons and Mahlers  on Chestnut, Sheila and Sterling on Green,  Joe on Smith, and Terry on Hubbard; Mr. Beebee on King, and Mr. Sizer on King Ext., and the Velis’s  on Spruce Cir., just to name a few.  So while I do not know them all I would say for walking my dog, writing editorials, and being involved in Westfield I do know more than he suggests throughout Ward 3.   Sorry for venting but those who know me know me know I like to keep the facts straight, even if we do not like them.  It makes it a whole lot easier to be constructive and still be positive. 
Thank you,
Your Ward 3 City Councilor,
Brian Hoose

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