Around Town

Local Dancers Walk for the Cause

WESTFIELD – Dancer’s Image of Westfield had a team of dancers who walked for the cause during last weekend’s Rays of Hope walk in Springfield, sponsored by Baystate Health.  The team was put together by Captain Chelsea Racicot and Co-Captain Marissa Powers.  Both girls have had family members & friends battle all forms of cancer and wanted to do their part in helping to find a cure.  They assembled a team of 40 walkers consisting of dancers, parents, and family members. A goal of $1,000 was set for the team.  They ended up surpassing their goal and raising a total of $2,500 with more donations expected.  The Dancer’s Image Defenders didn’t settle for the 3 mile walk, instead they chose to complete the 5 mile walk!  Energy remained high for the group throughout the walk and often times could be seen dancing their way down the route. Dancer’s Image has a long history of encouraging community involvement for their students and Chelsea and Marissa’s work on this event is proof of that.  The girls and parents enjoyed themselves and hope to organize a team each year for this worthwhile event.

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