Applications for 2012-2013 scholarships are presently available online at, at the three high schools in Westfield, as well as the Mayor’s office and the Athenaeum. Completed applications must be postmarked by March 16.
Since 1962, the mission of CSF of Westfield has been to expand access to higher education for resident students of Westfield by raising funds and distributing these funds on a fair and nondiscriminatory basis. In the last 50 years, the Citizens’ Scholarship Foundation of Westfield has distributed nearly $2.5 million dollars to over 5000 Westfield students.
Manny Sardinha, owner of seven Dunkin’ Donuts stores in Westfield, continues to support the fundraising efforts of the Citizens’ Scholarship Foundation by allowing the CSF to place donation boxes in all seven locations for the month of March.
The Citizens’ Scholarship Foundation of Westfield wishes to thank the Dunkin’ Donuts customers for their overwhelming generosity and support last year. More than $1,000 was raised to create the new Dunkin’ Donuts Customers’ Scholarship. Their contributions helped us to achieve the goal of establishing a new scholarship so that even more Westfield students can make their dreams of a college education come true.
Additional fundraising for this year’s scholarships will take place April 6-7 at Walmart. Local students will collect donations outside the store.
Volunteer members of the Foundation meet monthly on the second Monday of each month in the teacher’s dining room at South Middle School. The next monthly meeting is Monday at 6:30 pm. Interested volunteers are welcome.