
Southwick Town Meeting passes budget

Voters almost unanimously passed a total town and school budget of nearly $20 million at the Southwick Annual Town Meeting last night.
There were only a few nays and even fewer questions about the budget, which included an additional full-time EMT as well as a full-time DPW employee.
Two questions arose during discussion of the public safety budgets. A resident asked about Fire Chief Richard Anderson’s salary.
“Chief Anderson has been in his full-time permanent position for a year, and when he started he was hired at a slightly higher salary than the previous chief,” said Selectman Arthur Pinell. “During negotiations it was decided there would be a raise (when he became) full-time. He also manages the ambulance service.”
Another resident asked about a $4,000 community line item in the fire department budget.
Anderson explained that it helps cover costs of the annual Fireman’s Carnival and parade.
Voters also passed a zoning bylaw proposed by the Planning Board that allows home occupation by right. The bylaw outlines prohibited uses and would eliminate the need for most residents to appear before the board to request a home occupation permit to run home-based businesses.
Also passed was a bylaw concerning the lakes and type of watercraft allowed.
Town Meeting voted down a proposed petition bylaw to create two new zoning districts, including an environmentally friendly auxiliary powered small energy systems district and a large-scale ground mounted solar installation district.
Roz Terry of the Southwick Planning Board said after four nights of discussion, the board is not recommending the bylaw because it is “unnecessary.”
“We feel the current guidelines provide enough,” said Terry.
Darrell Cass, who brought forward the article, said the state recommends local communities adopt specific bypass.
Another petition bylaw proposed by Cass was also voted down.  The bylaw would have created regulations regarding large solar installations. Terry said the Planning Board “recognizes the need for a bylaw” but said the one proposed needed some work.
Bylaws regulating pawnbrokers and precious metals dealers were also adopted.
During a Special Town Meeting held prior to the annual meeting, several financial transfers and appropriations were approved, including  $43,450 for salaries, $625,000 for the town’s portion of storm-related cleanup and $82,000 to cover the difference in bids received for the Senior Center expansion, for which all bids came in over budget.

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