
Office building project hearing continued

WESTFIELD – The Planning Board voted earlier this week to continue the public hearing on a petition for a special permit, site plan approval and stormwater management plan associated with a proposal to construct a four-story office building on Apremont Way and Airport Drive.
The board took that action to extend the public hearing until the board’s August 18 session to allow time for a more thorough review of the plans by city officials because the applicant, FAD Realty LLC, and the engineering consultant, Sage Engineering, both of which are owned by Frank A. DeMarinis, submitted a modified plan Tuesday night.
The modifications were added to the project at the suggestion of the city’s Principal Planner Jay Vinskey following an informal review of the project which includes erection of a four-story, 54,200-square-foot office building and construction of a 219 space parking lot.
Sage Senior Engineer Bryan J. Balicki said the property is located in two different zoning districts, Business A along Apremont Way and Industrial A along Airport Drive. Balicki said the proposed office building will be 46 feet high and that the project has been reviewed and allowed by the Federal Aviation Administration.
Balicki said that there will be two parking areas, one off Apremont Way and the other off Airport Drive. The lot along Apremont Way will share common access with an existing parking constructed for the Riverbend Medical Groups medical building. That property is also owned by FAD Realty, LLC.
Balicki said the proposed building will also house doctor and medical offices.
FAD Realty is seeking Planning Board approval of a special permit, site plan and stormwater management plan. Members discussed if the board should require a performance bond for the stormwater management system which still needs to be reviewed by the city’s Engineering Department.
Other questions pertained to the impact of traffic, specifically if a traffic signal at the intersection of Apremont Way and Southampton Road should be installed. Members also asked if there would be structures on the roof of the building.
Balicki said the FAA permit for the building’s roof at 46 feet is the maximum height that would be allowed and that the medical building will not increase traffic at specific times, such as an office releasing shifts of workers.
“It’s not a shift change of place, so traffic will be staggered,” Balicki said.

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