GRANVILLE- Officer Brian Moore of the Granville Police Department took time out of his schedule to speak to my group of 11 Brownie Girl Scouts today from troop 11630. Officer Moore discussed safety, being responsible, what to do if they found a dangerous item, and being a good citizen. He told them about all of the tools that a police officer has to carry on them and when and why they would get used. He let all of the girls try on a bullet proof vest and see how heavy it was while he discussed how it can protect him. The girls asked him many, many questions and had a great time. In the end he gave them all badges and information on being a good citizen which he said is the most important part of his job. The girls are working on a community service project of appreciation making “stay safe” bracelets for fire and police officers. Hannah Manning presented enough bracelets for the town of Granville’s department. Officer Moore’s daughter Alyssa is the one who asked him to come and speak to her brownie troop.
Officer Moore visits Brownies
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