WESTFIELD – Paul Gardikis slipped away Sunday, April 30th 2023. Paul was a member of the Westfield High School class of 1988 and studied Music Production at the Art Institute of Seattle.
Paul was the funniest guy in the room and had an energy that was contagious. Paul’s uncanny ability to put into words the ridiculous and absurd around him kept his friends and family in stitches. More than a lover of music and movies, Paul devoured all genres and knew more about them than most experts. His critical mind was able to break down these art forms and suss out what made them exceptional or mediocre. One of his great joys was turning people onto a new band or movie…creating a shared experience that was always exhilarating for him.
Paul was predeceased by his father Henry (Hank), his brother Mark, his mother Helen (Pidgie) and the love of his life Amber Vares Reeves. He leaves behind his loving sister Jody, his brother John, his sons Anthony and Timmy, and countless friends who will miss him every day.
In lieu of flowers or donations, Paul would want you to cuddle with your loved one tonight, eat something delicious, watch a horror movie, listen to music and reminisce through all of the memories that make you happy.
Rest in peace dear Paul.