
Police Log, Dec. 31, 2014

Emergency response and crime report
Wednesday, Dec. 31, 2014
7:30 a.m.: vandalism, East Bartlett Street, a caller reports her vehicle was stuck by eggs overnight, the caller said that there have been numerous similar incidents, the responding officer reports that the two eggs which struck the car caused no lasting damage;
8:00 a.m.: vandalism, Meadow Street, a caller reports his vehicle was stuck by eggs overnight, the caller said that his vehicle has been targeted previously in the past couple of months, the caller does not believe any damage resulted but is not certain as the eggs on his car are frozen, the caller does not require a formal report but wants the incident to be documented;
10:50 a.m.: annoying phone calls, Skipper Lane, a resident came to the station to complain of annoying phone calls from a family member, the responding officer reports he spoke with the suspect who agreed to stop calling the complainant;
11:29 a.m.: arrest, 47 Washburn St., Springfield, a detective of the financial crimes unit of the Detective Bureau reports that a city resident complained of a person who extorted thousands of dollars from him by sending him text messages purporting to come from lawyer and Ludlow police, the detective reports that the suspect was identified as a Springfield resident, the detective reports that he sought the man at his home with the assistance of Springfield officer and took him into custody, Javies G. Rivera, 22, of 47 Washburn St., Springfield, was arrested for larceny of property valued more than $250 from a disabled person;
2:15 p.m.: larceny, Feeding Hills Road, a caller from a nursing facility reports a larceny, the responding officer reports that $39 was stolen from one resident’s wallet while $20 was stolen from another resident’s purse, the officer reports the thefts are under investigation;
2:36 p.m.: larceny, Highland Avenue, a resident came to the station to complain that his medication was stolen, the responding officer reports the complainant said that he had his medication in his car when he left an out-of-town location and when he returned to his home (after a stop for gas) the medication was found to be missing;
2:47 p.m.: breaking and entering, Russellville Road, a caller reports the contents of a vacant house appear to have been disturbed, the responding officer reports the caller said that she is a family friend of the owners and when she checked the house she found indications that someone has been staying in there without permission;
3:41 p.m.: vandalism, George Street, a caller reports his vehicle was damaged when it was struck by eggs overnight, the responding officer reports the caller said that the paint was chipped by the egg impacts;
7:17 p.m.: animal complaint, Murray Avenue, a caller reports her leg was bitten by a neighbor’s dog, a responding animal control officer reports the dog was placed in quarantine;
7:31 p.m.: threatening to commit a crime, Edgewood Apartments, 134 Union St., a resident came to the station to report that he has been threatened, the man said that he had been involved with a woman who was already in a relationship and when a second woman learned of the dalliance she threatened to assault him, the man said that the second woman is in Ohio and he does not wish to pursue criminal charges or a formal report but wants the threat documented;
9:20 p.m.: noise complaint, Colonial Pine Acres, 50 Southampton Road, a caller reports loud music is disturbing her peace, the responding officer reports he heard loud music upon his arrival and he advised the resident to turn it down, the officer reports the resident complied without incident;
10:31 p.m.: incapacitated person, Meadow Street, a patrol officer reports he encountered a man who appeared to be intoxicated, the officer reports the man was provided a courtesy transport to a Church Street address.

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