
Police Log, April 11, 2013

Emergency Response and Crime Report
Thursday, April 11, 2013
3:51 p.m.: animal complaint, Westfield Animal Shelter, 178 Apremont Way, a person came to the shelter to surrender a male dog;
4:43 p.m.: assist other agency, Free Street, an officer reports he learned that a person staying at the Samaritan Inn was the subject of an out-of-state warrant, the officer reports that although Colorado officials initially said that they would not extradite the man paperwork was subsequently received which contradicted the verbal information, Raymond Northan Buffum, 37, of 7 Free St., was found at the soup kitchen and arrested on the warrant;
6:13 p.m.: breaking and entering, Pochassic Road, a caller reports he returned home to find his residence had been broken into and property had been stolen, the responding officer reports jewelry was found to have been stolen and during the subsequent canvass some costume jewelry was found on the ground which the victim identified as some of the items stolen;
6:27 p.m.: animal complaint, Southampton Road, a caller reports she is transporting a golden retriever/Labrador retriever mix dog found on Routes 10 and 202 to the municipal animal shelter, the woman said that if the dog is not claimed she would like to be considered as a potential adopter, the responding animal control officer reports the dog was transported to the shelter;
11:00 p.m.: arrest, South Maple Street, a supervisory officer reports officers were dispatched in an attempt to find the subject of an outstanding warrant, Angelo M. Gonzales Jr., 27, of 43 W. Silver St., was arrested on the warrant;
11:36 p.m.: assault, Grand Street, a resident came to the station to report she was assaulted, the responding officer reports that the woman said that she went to her car to get something and saw a male party in the nearby Grandmothers Garden, the woman said she next saw the man near her car and he grabbed her by her throat and threw her to the ground before kicking and punching the woman repeatedly, the woman said that she has only recently arrived in the city and knows few persons, the incident remains under investigation.

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