
Police Log, April 27 & 28, 2013

Emergency Response and Crime Report
Saturday, April 27, 2013
1:18 a.m.: incapacitated person, Elm Street, auxiliary officers report finding a male party stumbling in the roadway, the responding officer reports the man was found to be obviously highly intoxicated and asked to go to a friend’s house, the person indicated said that he would care for the man but when the officers transported the intoxicated party there he said that he wanted to walk to the police station to file charges against the officers and refused to go inside, the man was placed in protective custody;
2:22 a.m.: assist other police department, Westfield State University, 577 Western Ave., WSU police request the use of a cell for a prisoner, a cell monitor was provided;
3:10 a.m.: assist other police department, Westfield State University, 577 Western Ave., WSU police request the use of a cell for a prisoner, a cell monitor was provided;
10:42 a.m.: city ordinance violation, St. Paul Street, a community policing officer reports he again observed that a resident was working on a vehicle registered to somebody else on residential property, the CP officer reports the man was advised again to cease such activities or city ordinance violation citations will be issued;
12:20 p.m.: animal complaint, Westfield Animal Shelter, 178 Apremont Way, the animal control officer reports two dogs were surrendered to the shelter, one dog is a female collie mix dog and the other is a neutered male dog;
1:00 p.m.: animal complaint, Westfield Animal Shelter, 178 Apremont Way, the director of animal control operations reports a white and tan male Chihuahua dog was surrendered at the shelter;
2:08 p.m.: fire, Fowler Road, a caller reports a fire, dual response, the responding officer reports a City View Road resident said that he had been burning in his yard when it spread to a wooded area, the responding firefighters report an area of brush about 50 feet by 50 feet was burning and was extinguished;
2:26 p.m.: suspicious activity, Elm Street, a caller reports youths are on the roof, the responding officer reports the youths were escorted from the roof and the owner inspected it but found no new damage;
2:56 p.m.: vandalism, Elm Street, a caller reports he was angry with a person and punched a window as a result, the responding officer reports the Free Street resident said that he would make restitution for the window he broke, the man was transported to Noble Hospital for treatment;
5:15 p.m.: breaking and entering, 21 South Broad Street, a caller reports a vehicle in the parking lot at the ice arena has a broken window, the responding officer reports the owner was located and said that a window of her vehicle was shattered and her purse containing personal items and electronic devices was stolen;
6:04 p.m.: St. Dennis Street, an officer reports that while on the railroad right-of-way in the area of St. Dennis Street he came upon an lock box which had been forcibly opened, the officer reports that the safe was seized and transported to the station were it was found to have been reported stolen during a breaking and entering at a Main Street residence on Wednesday, the owner was notified;
6:48 p.m.: disturbance, Sackett Street a caller reports her husband assaulted her and had disturbed the furnishings in the home, the responding officer reports the woman said that her husband slapped and choked her and he observed visible signs of injury, Anthony J. Montagna, 41, of 6 Sackett St., was arrested for assault and battery in a domestic relationship;

Sunday, April 28, 2013
12:38 a.m: disturbance, Church Street, two residents came to the station to complain of an overly large party, the responding officer reports about 100 persons were found at the party which was dispersed with the cooperation of the tenants;
1:38 a.m.: breaking and entering, Meadow Street, a caller reports his house was broken into and his backpack and a laptop computer were stolen, the responding officer reports the caller said that a door of his home was pried open, personal articles and electronic items were reported to have been stolen;
2:01 a.m.: disturbance, Noble Street, a caller reports a large party, a responding officer reports he counted 97 persons leaving, the officer reports the tenants cooperated in dispersing the party, one person was deemed to be too intoxicated to care for himself and he was placed in protective custody;
9:53 a.m.: suspicious property, Lincoln Street, a caller reports an unattended backpack is on the sidewalk, dual response dispatched, the responding deputy fire chief reports the bag in a driveway was found to contain speakers and wiring;
11:58 a.m.: fire, Ridgecrest Circle, a caller reports a burning complaint, the responding firefighters report the resident was advised that burning was not permitted and the resident extinguished the fire;
3:11 p.m.: violation of a protective order, Hillside Road, a resident came to the station to report a violation of a protective order, the responding officer reports the woman said that the male party violated the terms of a protective order by broaching a subject other than their children as he dropped them off at her residence, the officer reports a criminal complaint was filed;
4:51 p.m.: fire, Fowler Street, a call reports his neighbor is burning plastic, the responding firefighters report that the fire had been extinguished prior to their arrival;
7:13 p.m.: larceny, King Avenue, a caller reports his son’s bicycle was stolen recently, the responding officer reports the caller said that the bike valued at $350 had been stored in a common area at the multi-family house and said that a juvenile neighbor is believed to be responsible, the officer reports he spoke with the suspect’s father who agreed to take responsibility and ensure restitution or the return of the bicycle;
7:22 p.m.: larceny, Franklin Street, a caller reports a larceny, the responding officer reports a customer forgot to pay for a soda, the customer acknowledged his lapse, apologized and satisfied the merchant;
9:48 p.m.: suspicious activity, Southampton Road, a caller reports a person is yelling and screaming at a nearby business, see story in the Tuesday edition of The Westfield News.

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