Emergency Response and Crime Report
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
7:15 a.m.: motor vehicle violation, Elm Street, a patrol officer reports a traffic stop, the vehicle’s registration was found to be expired and the car was towed;
9:01 a.m.; school investigation, Westfield Middle School South, a school resource officer reports a female student fled her classroom in fear of another female pupil who chased her down, grabbed her hair and was punching her when staff intervened, the officer reports the offending girl will be summoned to juvenile court to answer charges of assault and battery and disorderly conduct;
10:22 a.m.: accident, Union Street, a caller reports a crash, see story in the Thursday edition of The Westfield News;
4:16 p.m.: fire, Orange Street, multiple callers reports a fire in a trash bin ignited a porch, see story in the Thursday edition of The Westfield News;
4:58 p.m.: fire, Notre Dame Street, multiple callers reports a vehicle and a structure are burning see story in the Thursday edition of The Westfield News;
5:43 p.m.: noise complaint, a caller reports an ongoing noise issue with a neighbor had again flared up, the responding officer reports he encountered the calling party outside and the man was obviously highly intoxicated, the man said that he had consumed alcohol together with prescription medication, the officer reports he found indications that the man may have taken more of his medication than was prescribed prior to drinking alcohol, the man was placed in protective custody;
6:47 p.m.: suspicious material, Van Dussen Apartments, 42 Arnold St., a caller reports finding about 15 plastic bags containing a white residue in a stairwell, the responding officer reports the discarded packets appear to have contained heroin, the officer reports here is no indication of the source of the bags;
7:07 p.m.: accident, West Silver Street, a caller reports a fire hydrant was knocked over apparently by a vehicular crash, see story in the Thursday edition of The Westfield News;
7:12 p.m.: fire, Pleasant Street, multiple callers reports a structure is burning, see story in the Thursday edition of The Westfield News;
7:21 p.m.: larceny, East Main Street, a caller from an East Main Street department store reports an in-house investigation had found that an employee has been stealing cash, the responding officer reports that a criminal complaint for larceny by scheme was filed;
8:43 p.m.: larceny, Elm Street, an employee of an East Main Street pharmacy reports a known person has stolen baby formula, the responding officer reports the caller said that a person who has been found to have shoplifted from the store in the past was seen to enter with an empty backpack and subsequently rushed out with a full backpack and left in a described vehicle, the respond officer reports the store employees found that baby formula valued at $147 was missing and the officer recognized the suspect when the store’s security video was reviewed, the officer reports that the man is known to operate a vehicle which fits the description provided, a criminal complaint was filed;
11:35 p.m.: disturbance, Henry’s Trailer Park, 868 Southampton Road, a caller reports an intoxicated person at his home is causing a disturbance, the responding officer reports the woman was obviously highly intoxicated and nobody could be found to care for her, the woman was placed in protective custody.
Police log, April 3, 2013
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