
Police Log, August 19 & 20, 2013

Emergency Response and Crime Report
Monday, Aug. 19, 2013
7:04 a.m.: motor vehicle violation, Springfield Road, a patrol officer reports he observed a vehicle operating at a high rate of speed without a valid inspection sticker and stopped the vehicle, the operator’s license was found to have been suspended, Keith J. Henchey, 25, of 97 Pequot Point Road, was arrested for operating a motor vehicle with a suspended license, operating a motor vehicle without a valid inspection sticker and for speeding in violation of special regulations;
8:05 a.m.: motor vehicle violation, Elm Street, a patrol officer reports a traffic stop, a routine check revealed that the vehicle’s registration was expired, an occupant surrendered a small amount of marijuana, a city ordinance violation citation was issued and the pickup truck was towed to the police impound yard;
9:55 a.m.: larceny, Crown St., a caller reports she has discovered the whereabouts of her son’s stolen bicycle frame which she had not previously reported to be stolen, the responding officer reports the woman’s property was returned to her and the officer observed possible violations of animal ordinances, the director of animal control operations responded and advised the residents that the chickens must be removed and the dog must be licensed;
1:11 p.m.: vandalism, Half Mille Falls Park, a fountain maintenance contractor reports to the city engineer that some of the copper piping in a fountain at the park was damaged, the responding officer reports the contractor was able to repair the damage which apparently occurred between 3 p.m. Tuesday and 11 a.m. Monday;
1:31 p.m.: animal complaint, Westfield Animal Shelter, 178 Apremont Way, the director of animal control operations reports a person came to the shelter to surrender a tri-color female beagle dog reportedly found near the intersection of Russell and Bates roads;
3:39 p.m.: assist citizen, Westfield High School, 177 Montgomery Road, a caller reports he locked his keys inside his vehicle, the responding firefighters report entry was made;
5:33 p.m.: found property, Munger Hill Elementary School, a caller reports a bicycle was left behind the rubbish receptacles, the responding officer reports the bike was transported to the station for safe keeping;
7:21 p.m.: burning complaint, Henry’s Trailer Park, 868 Southampton Road, a caller reports a neighbor is burning, the responding firefighters report the resident was advised of the pertinent regulations and extinguished the fire;
10:30 p.m.: fire, Dana Street, a caller reports a large outdoor fire is threatening a two family house, the responding deputy fire chief reports a small fire resulted when a grill was positioned on a plastic chair and the residents left it there when they finished cooking, the resulting fire was extinguished;

Tuesday, Aug. 20, 2013
12:54 a.m.: suspicious vehicle, Whitney Playground, Shepard Street, a patrol officer reports he encountered a vehicle at the playground occupied by persons who were getting to know each other better, the parties were advised that unlit parks and playgrounds in the city close at dusk and they left the area;
7:12 a.m.: burning complaint, White Street, a caller reports a neighbor is burning, the responding firefighters report the resident agreed to extinguish his fire;
9:19 a.m.: motor vehicle violation, East Main Street, a traffic enforcement officer reports a traffic stop, the vehicle’s registration was found to be expired and non-renewable, the car was towed to the police impound yard;
9:42 a.m.: larceny, Orange Street, a caller reports his bicycle was stolen from the rear of an Orange Street address;
11:52 a.m.: identity fraud, Steiger Drive, a resident came to the station to complain of identity theft, the responding officer reports the complainant explained that his wallet was lost or stolen about a month ago in Springfield and he has subsequently been dunned for payment for a telephone account he did not open, the case was referred to the financial crimes unit of the Detective Bureau;
1:45 p.m.: vandalism, Lozier Avenue, a caller requests assistance regarding damage to his vinyl fence, the responding officer reports the issue appears to be not vandalism but a series of minor accidents involving two vehicle operators, the officer reports that one of the offending parties was notified and agreed to make restitution but he has not yet been able to contact the second party;
4:55 p.m.: larceny, Summer Street, a resident came to the station to complain that a known person stole his television, the responding officer reports the complainant said that he had allowed a female party to stay at his residence and she stole his television and DVD player, the incident remains under investigation;
6:27 p.m.: arrest, Security Manor, 47 Broad St., officers detailed to attempt to serve a warrant report the subject was found on Broad Street, Christopher James Mulvey, 44, of 140 Debra Drive, Springfield, was arrested on the warrant;
6:28 p.m.: larceny, Broad Street, a representative of a nursing facility reports a discrepancy with a narcotics inventory, the responding officer reports the facility officials have already notified the DEA and an internal investigation is underway, the police investigation will be held in abeyance until the internal investigation is complete;
10:26 p.m.: suspicious vehicle, Whitney Playground, Shepard Street, a patrol officer reports he encountered a vehicle at the playground occupied by two person who were clearly intoxicated and said they were there to go swimming in the river, the officer advised the parties that the playground closes at dusk but neither was in a condition conducive to safely operation of the vehicle, the two parties made their way on foot to a friend’s Orange Street address and the vehicle was towed to the police impound yard;
10:51 p.m.: weather complaint, Pauline Lane at Reservoir Avenue, a caller reports a tree has fallen across the roadway, the DPW was notified and dispatched a crew to deal with the obstruction.

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