
Police Log, December 12, 2013

Emergency Response and Crime Report
Thursday, Dec. 12, 2013
9:57 a.m.: animal complaint, East Mountain Road, a patrol officer reports he located two dogs running loose in the area of the golf course but was unable to read their tags, the officer reports he transported the two dogs to the municipal animal shelter;
2:27 p.m.: lost property, Southampton Road, a Chicopee resident reports via the online reporting option that she lost her wedding and engagement rings, the report states that the rings were lost between Oct. 28 – Nov. 25 and she believes they may have fallen from her purse in the city after she picked them up from a jeweler who had cleaned them;
2:41 p.m.: larceny, Broad Street, a caller reports people who he allowed to visit him stole his jewelry, the responding officer reports the caller identified two persons who were visiting before he found that a gold chain and a gold ring were missing;
3:19 p.m.: breaking and entering, Pauline Lane, a caller reports two of his unlocked vehicles were entered overnight and property was stolen, the responding officer reports that caller said that an unlocked vehicle in his driveway and an unlocked vehicle in his open garage were entered and CDs and coin were stolen;
6:06 p.m.: breaking and entering, Little River Road, a call reports that a laptop computer was stolen from his home earlier in the day, the responding detective reports entry was made via an unsecure cellar hatchway and the computer is the only thing found to be missing;
6:09 p.m.: disturbance, a 16-year-old caller said that her father had assaulted her by pulling her hair and pushing her to the ground, the girl said that when her stepmother came home she removed her from the home and they are en route to the police station, the responding officer reports criminal complaints are pending;
7:02 p.m.: larceny, Woodland Avenue, a resident came to the station to complain that property was stolen from his home while he was away, the responding officer reports the man identified a possible suspect but had no evidence about who actually stole a rifle and a gold ring;
8:46 p.m.: vandalism, North West Road, a caller reports a small vehicle with a loud exhaust system paused in front of his house and he heard several pops which sounded as if a pellet gun had been discharged, the man said that he then found that a pellet had damaged his front window, the man said the he believes the miscreants were shooting at the inflatable decorations in his yard, a search of the area did not yield a suspect;
9:26 p.m.: violation of a protective order, Holland Avenue a caller reports that the defendant of a recently served protective order continues to violate the order by sending him text messages, the responding officer reports the suspect was found at her home, Cheryl E. Kozaczek, 29, of 80 Woodmont St., was arrested for violation of an abuse prevention order.

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