
Police Log, December 13, 2013

Emergency Response and Crime Report
Friday, Dec. 13, 2013
1:50 a.m.: disturbance, Powder Mill Village, 126 Union St., a caller reports that a known person assaulted her, the responding officer reports the woman was outside the apartment upon his arrival and said that the man had squeezed her neck and pushed her to the ground, the officer saw signs of minor injuries consistent with her account, the woman was transported to Noble Hospital where she was treated and released, Karel Lewis McDonald, 26, of 126 Union St., was arrested for assault and battery in domestic relationship;
11:50 a.m.: building check, Westfield Industrial Park Road, a caller reports some sort of alarm is sounding from a business across the street, the responding officer reports it is a sprinkler alarm sounding and firefighters were summoned who found waster gushing from a main drain, the firefighters were able to resolve the problem but no keyholder was found, a company representative in Kentucky was notified and provided the number of a real estate agent who may be able to determine who is responsible for the building;
1:55 p.m.: assist other police department, Taylor Avenue, West Springfield police request that city officers speak with the owner of a vehicle believed to have been involved in the theft of scrap metal from a railyard in their city, the responding officer reports the owner of the vehicle said that her brother was using it and called him on her cellphone, the officer reports that when he advised the man to return the missing property and that West Springfield police had identified the vehicle the suspect pretended not to hear him, West Springfield police were notified;
7:58 p.m.: harassment, Dubois Street, a resident came to the station to complain that a known party has violated a harassment prevention order, the responding officer reports the woman said that the defendant had been served with the order earlier in the day and had subsequently violated its ‘No contact’ clause by leaving her a voice mail message, a criminal complaint was filed;
8:28 p.m.: motor vehicle violation, Morris Avenue, a supervisory officer reports a traffic stop, the operator was found to be the subject of an outstanding warrant issued by Westfield District Court, Matthew L. Flynn, 26, of 349 Steiger Drive, was arrested on the warrant;
10:45 p.m.: suspicious person, North Road, a caller reports a male party passed out in a vehicle parked in her driveway is intoxicated and said he came to speak with the residents at her home but she does not know him, the responding officer reports the man said that he was there to see a woman and the officer was told by the caller that the person he was seeking had moved out earlier in the day, the officer deemed the man to be too intoxicated to safely operate a motor vehicle and he was placed in protective custody;
11:51 p.m.: accident, Holyoke Road, a caller reports a motor vehicle crash near his home, the responding officer reports the occupants said that no injuries resulted when the vehicle struck a large flower pot, the operator failed a field sobriety test and the officer noted numerous beer containers in the vehicle, the vehicle fit the description provided by a subsequent caller who said that his car had been struck in the rear on Clay Hill by a vehicle which fled the scene, Normand H. Woodward, 31, of 8 Camp Jahn Road, Southampton, was arrested for operating a motor vehicle under the influence of liquor, negligent operation of a motor vehicle, leaving the scene of a property damage accident, possession of an open container of alcohol in a motor vehicle, speeding and a marked lanes violation.

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