
Police Log, December 18, 2013

Emergency Response and Crime Report
Wednesday, Dec. 18, 2013
9:55 a.m.: city ordinance violation, Union Street, a patrol officer reports he observed a man operating a snowblower in a manner which directed the discharge into the path of vehicular traffic, the officer reports he spoke with the man and two others who were clearing the driveway who were upset that a plow had left a berm of snow at the foot of the driveway and were insulting toward the officer, the officer reports that the men refused to identify themselves and persisted until a second officer arrived when they continued to berate the officers but ultimately identified themselves, a city ordinance violation citation was issued;
11:39 a.m.: fraud, Tow Path Lane, a resident came to the station to reports that money was removed electronically from her bank account, see story in the Thursday edition of The Westfield News;
1:58 p.m.: trespassing, Henry’s Trailer Park, 868 Southampton Road, a resident came to the station to complain of a problem with a relative, the responding officer reports the woman said that her daughter has been staying with her but her daughter’s presence is a violation of her lease and she is therefore being evicted, the woman said that nonetheless her daughter refuses to leave, the woman also said that her daughter and friends have removed property from her shed and have not yet returned it despite her efforts to recover the space heater, propane tank, weed whacker and shop vacuum;
2:38 p.m.: arrest, Elm Street, a patrol officer reports he observed a person who fit the description of a person sought in connection with a shoplifting investigation and spoke with the man, the officer reports that a routine check revealed him to be the subject of outstanding warrant, John M. Stebbins, 49, of 40 Franklin Street, was arrested on two Westfield District Court warrants;
4:16 p.m.: larceny, Elm Street, a caller from an Elm Street restaurant reports an employee stole money from his bag two days in a row, the responding detective reports his investigation is ongoing;
7:00 p.m.: motor vehicle violation, Springfield Road, a patrol officer requests a tow for a vehicle found to have expired registration due to a lack of insurance, the plates were seized and the vehicle was towed to the owner’s residence;
8:30 p.m.: erratic operator, Southampton Road, the State Police dispatcher reports that a caller reported an erratic motor vehicle operator on Southampton Road, officers were notified to be on the lookout for the vehicle and an officer spotted it parked on commonwealth property on Russell Road, the officer reports he detected an odor of alcohol about the occupant of the parked vehicle and the man subsequently failed a field sobriety test, the man was placed in protective custody and the vehicle was towed to the police impound yard;
10:16 p.m.: disturbance, North Elm Street, a caller reports his neighbors are fighting more than usual, the responding officer reports he spoke with a female resident who said that her boyfriend was intoxicated when he came home and a heated verbal altercation ensued which devolved into a physical confrontation when the man picked her up and slammed her against a wall, the officer noted signs of minor injury, John P. Woodward, 45, of 117 N. Elm St., was arrested for assault and battery in a domestic relationship.

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