
Police Log, February 2 & 3, 2013

Emergency Response and Crime
Saturday, Feb. 2, 2013
9:00 a.m.: fire, Hundred Acres Road, a caller from Southwick Road reports seeing flames reaching as high as a tobacco barn and believes brush is burning, the responding firefighters report a controlled burn of brush was found to be underway at the tobacco farm, fire equipment remained in the area as a precaution as the brush pile burned down;
9:49 a.m.: found property, Elm Street, a resident came to the station to surrender a wallet found behind an Elm Street gas station, the wallet was held for safe keeping;
11:42 a.m.: motor vehicle violation, a traffic enforcement officer reports a traffic stop, the officer reports the operator’s license was found to be suspended, the vehicle was towed to the police impound yard;
3:18 p.m.: vandalism, Orange Street, a caller reports the tires on his bicycle were slashed, the responding officer reports the complainant identified a suspect but acknowledged that there was no evidence to support his suspicions, the victim does not require a formal report but wants the incident documented;
3:24 p.m.: fire, Montgomery Road, a caller reports that young neighbors have a fire outside despite the current windy conditions and that the fire is too close to a dwelling, the responding firefighters report the resident was advised of the pertinent city ordinances and the fire was extinguished;
8:27 p.m.: trespassing, Airport Industrial Park Road, a patrol officer reports he discovered a vehicle parked at sand pits and suspects persons are in nearby woods, the officer reports eight persons were found with a small fire which was extinguished, three persons were issued city ordinance violation citations for trespassing with a motor vehicle;
10:57 p.m.: vandalism, Fowler Street, a woman came to the station to complain that her former boyfriend damaged her car by kicking it, the responding officer reports the woman said that that she has a child in common with man who came to her residence and an argument developed, the woman said the man attempted to jump onto her vehicle but was intoxicated and was not able to jump on the vehicle so he kicked it causing a dent, the woman said she will seek restitution and does not wish to pursue criminal charges at this time;

Sunday, Feb. 3, 2013
12:24 a.m.: vandalism, Arnold Street, a patrol officer reports he located a broken window with blood on it, the officer reports he spoke with a male party who said that he left a nearby bar to assist with two female parties who were causing a disturbance, the man said that one of the women had jumped up and punched a plate glass window and broke it, the suspect had left the scene but was identified and sought at her address of record but was not immediately found;
1:01 a.m.: disturbance, Woronoco Avenue, a caller reports a college aged party is disturbing his sleep, the responding officer reports the tenant had about ten guests and initially declined to ask them to leave, the officer reports that the guests eventually saw the wisdom of calling it a night and left the residence on foot;
1:04 a.m.: disturbance, Mechanic Street, a caller reports an overly loud college aged party, the responding officer reports the tenant had about 50 guests and agreed to end the party, the gathering was dispersed;
1:49 a.m.: disturbance, Elm Street, an officer reports a fight at a gas station and convenience store, the responding officer reports he was advised by bystanders that the combatants had fled toward Meadow Street, another officer spoke with two young men on Meadow Street and one was found to be in possession of an open container of alcohol, the man was taken into custody and complained of injuries sustained in the altercation, in addition the man had been banging his head against a barrier between the front and rear seats of the cruiser, Stephen C. Westerling Jr, 21, of 105 Fowler St., was transported to Noble Hospital where he was treated before he was returned to the station and booked for a charge of consumption of alcohol in public;
2:10 a.m.: assist citizen, Elm St., a patrol officer reports he encountered a known woman who was highly intoxicated, the woman was provided a courtesy transport to her home where her mother accepted custody;
3:53 a.m.: disturbance, Russell Road, a caller reports a college aged party is disturbing her peace, the responding community policing officer reports he spoke with a tenant who had about 15 guests, the tenant agreed to disperse his gathering;
2:20 p.m.: identity fraud, Knollwood Drive, a resident came to the station to report that credit card accounts have been opened in her name without her knowledge and consent, the responding officer reports the woman said that she received two bills for store credit cards she had not opened and was advised that a third such account had been authorized, the case was referred to the financial crimes unit of the Detective Bureau;
5:27 p.m.: disturbance, Main Street, a caller reports a disturbance, the responding office reports one of the participants was known to him and believed to be the subject of an outstanding warrant, the warrant was confirmed, Moise Lopez, 44, of 13 Clark St., was arrested on the warrant;
8:15 p.m.: disturbance, Tannery Road, a caller reports his girlfriend is intoxicated and attempting to leave in a vehicle, the responding officer reports the caller said that his intoxicated girlfriend had punched him, Barbara Ann Bergquist, 20, of 158 Tannery Road, was arrested for assault and battery in a domestic relationship.

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