
Police Log, Jan. 7, 2015

Emergency response and crime report
Wednesday, Jan. 7, 2015
12:21 a.m.: motor vehicle violation, Main Street, patrol officers were asked by West Springfield police to be on the lookout for a SUV involved in a collision in their city and an officer spotted and stopped the vehicle on Main Street, the officer found that the vehicle did not display a valid inspection sticker and that the operator’s license had been revoked, Ronald G. Winstead, 43, of 42 Arnold St., was arrested for operating a motor vehicle with a revoked license, a subsequent offense, and for operating a motor vehicle without a valid inspection sticker;
12:41 a.m.: motor vehicle violation, King Street at Washington Street, a patrol officer requests a tow for a vehicle found to have revoked registration due to a lack of insurance, the plates were seized and the vehicle was towed to the police impound yard;
10:15 a.m.: city ordinance violation, Little River Road, a code enforcement officer reports that a sidewalk was found which had not been cleared of ice and snow as required by city ordinance, the officer reports he informed the homeowner of the relevant ordinance, similar action was taken on Tow Path Lane, Cardinal Lane (2), Wild Flower Circle (3) and Camelot Lane (3);
11:06 a.m.: animal complaint, North Road, a caller reports he struck and killed a dog with his vehicle, the responding officer reports that the owner of the dog was identified but not immediately contacted, the responding animal control officer reports the deceased dog was transported to the municipal animal shelter pending contact with its owner;
1:18 p.m.: breaking and entering, Joseph Avenue, a caller reports that his vehicle parked in his driveway was entered over Tuesday night, the contents were disturbed but apparently nothing was taken, the man also said that two bags of trash were stolen from his new trash bin, the caller does not require a formal report but wants the incidents documented;
2:06 p.m.: assist other police agency, Southampton Road, an officer reports he assisted a sheriff’s deputy as he served a summons and a complaint without incident;
6:31 p.m.: suspicious persons, Chapman Playground, St. Paul Street, a patrol officer reports he observed youths in a parked car and spoke with the occupants, the officer reports that the youths were hanging out, the officer noted that the operator had a junior operator’s license and was reminded that he is not allowed to drive with friends in the vehicle, the other boys were able to get rides from their parents;
7:57 p.m.: illegal dumping, Mainline Drive, a patrol officer reports he found that 10 large bags of leaves had been dumped at the end of Mainline Drive;
8:50 p.m.: breaking and entering, Pequot Point Road, a caller reports that his vehicle was entered and money was stolen, the responding officer reports that the man said that his car had been unlocked when it was entered and the cash was stolen.

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