
Police Log, January 18 & 19, 2014

IA utility pole on Montgomery Road was broken Saturday afternoon when a pickup truck slid off the road and struck it but the pole remains upright and the street light is still working. No injuries were reported and the pickup was towed from the crash scene but, apparently, the pole is okay. (Photo by Carl E. Hartdegen)

IA utility pole on Montgomery Road was broken Saturday afternoon when a pickup truck slid off the road and struck it but the pole remains upright and the street light is still working. No injuries were reported and the pickup was towed from the crash scene but, apparently, the pole is okay. (Photo by Carl E. Hartdegen)

Emergency Response and Crime Report
Saturday, Jan. 18, 2013
12:32 a.m.: assault, Woodsong Road, a hospital staffer reports a patient asserts he was assaulted at a local bar and would like to speak with an officer, the responding officer reports the patient said that he had become engaged in an argument with a former friend while at a local bar and the man struck his head with a glass which shattered and caused lacerations which required 27 stitches to close, the bar staff said that although they had been advised of the altercation staff did not witness it and it was not reported to police, the officer took custody of the shards of glass, the officer went to the suspect’s home where he observed the suspect’s vehicle and saw a bloody paper towel in the front seat but nobody came to the door, the officer sought and was granted a warrant;
7:23 a.m.: vandalism, Caitlin Way, a caller reports his car was egged overnight, the responding officer reports the complainant said that between midnight and 6 a.m. his vehicle was struck by three eggs while it was parked in front of his resident, no lasting damage was done;
9:54 a.m.: vandalism, Gladwin Drive, a caller reports her mailbox and those of several neighbors were apparently stuck with a baseball bat and damaged overnight, the responding officer reports that three mailboxes appear to have been vandalized;
12:30 p.m.: suspicious activity, Main Street, a caller from a Main Street jewelry store reports three persons entered his store and one appeared to be attempting to distract him while the others attempted to steal, the responding officer reports that a female party engaged him and appeared to be attempting to obstruct him when he saw that the two male parties appeared to be attempting to take screws out of a display case to gain access, the man said he told the people that they had to leave because he had to use the bathroom, the owner said he subsequently discovered a screw which had been removed from a display case;
2:09 p.m.: annoying phone calls, a resident came to the station to complain that her boyfriend’s estranged wife is harassing her, the respond officer reports the complainant said that she had tried to be cordial to the woman but she had been harassing her via social media, the officer spoke with the woman who acknowledged that her complaints are with her husband and not his new girlfriend but said she is nonetheless angry, the officer advised the suspect to cease and desist;
4:03 p.m.: accident, Montgomery Road, multiple callers reports a pickup truck struck a utility pole, the responding officer reports the operator was not injured, the pole was broken but has not fallen, the vehicle was towed to the police impound yard, see photo in the Tuesday Edition of The Westfield News;
7:01 p.m.: motor vehicle violation, a patrol officer reports he observed a vehicle operating on Southampton Road at a high rate of speed and used radar to determine the pickup truck was operating at 45 mph in a 30 mph zone, the vehicle was stopped on Clay Hill and the operator’s license was found to have been suspended, David J. Whitlock, 41, of 73 North Boulevard, West Springfield, was arrested for operating a motor vehicle with a suspended license and for speeding in violation of special regulations, the officer reports that during the booking process the man was found to be in possession of pills for which he had no prescription and he was also charged with possession of Class B drug;
10:30 p.m.: motor vehicle violation, Southampton Road, a patrol officer reports he observed a vehicle operating at a high rate of speed on the snowy road and used radar to determine the vehicle was traveling at 75 mph in a 40 mph zone, the vehicle was stopped and the officer observed that a partially full bottle of brandy was thrown for a window, the officer noted an “overwhelming” odor of marijuana and found the operator had been denied a driver’s license and was the subject of an outstanding warrant, Alejandro Rodriguez, 38, of 12 W. School St., was arrested for unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle, possession of an open container of alcohol in a motor vehicle, negligent operation of a motor vehicle, speeding and on the warrant;
11:10 p.m.: assist citizen, Old Farm Road, a caller reports he has locked his keys inside his car which has the headlights illuminated, the responding firefighters report entry was gained;

Sunday, Jan. 19, 2014
12:27 a.m.: arrest, Noble Hospital, Court Street, a caller from the hospital reports that a patient believed to be the subject of an outstanding warrant is ready to be discharged, the responding officer reports Scott Groves, 44, of 7 Free St., was arrested on three warrants;
1:07 a.m.: disturbance, Arnold Street, patrol officers report a fight outside an Arnold Street bar, the responding officer reports that while attempting to interview a participant in a fight another party repeatedly yelled at him, other officers and bystanders despite repeated instructions to stop interfering, the officer reports that when the man finally started to walk away he passed close to an officer and, after insulting him directly, attempted to throw an elbow at him, the man was subdued despite his efforts to resist being taken into custody, John A. Luppi, 34, of 3 Shepard St., was arrested for disorderly conduct, assault and battery on a police officer and resisting arrest;
1:21 a.m.: suspicious vehicle, a caller reports a suspicious vehicle has been lingering in the area, the responding officer reports the vehicle was found and stopped on Locust Street, the operator refused to identify himself or produce any documentation, the man exhibited the classic symptoms of alcohol intoxication and failed the only part of a field sobriety test he would attempt, John P. Rosario, 27, of 35 Short St., Taunton, was arrested for operating a motor vehicle under the influence of liquor, refusing to produce motor vehicle documents and being a motor vehicle operator who refuses to identify himself, when he was taken into custody the man stated without prompting that there was marijuana, nunchucks and a knife in his vehicle and he was also charged with possession of a dangerous weapon and possession of marijuana;
10:26 a.m.: breaking and entering, Ashley Street, a resident came to the station to complain that his vehicle was broken into overnight and property was stolen, the responding officer reports the man said that his vehicle parked in his driveway had not been locked and his wallet, cell phone, camera and iPod were stolen;
2:15 p.m.: parking violation, Church Street, a uniformed patrol officer reports he observed a vehicle parked in a posted no parking zone and stopped his cruiser to speak with the female operator who was alone in the vehicle, the officer reports the woman did not respond when he told her that she was parked in a prohibited area and would be ticketed if she did not move but continued to sit in the vehicle, the officer exited his cruiser and repeated his warning but the woman still did not move the car, a parking ticket was issued;
11:47 p.m.: unwanted guest, Otis Street, a caller reports he has two unwanted female parties in his home, the responding office reports one of the women had left prior to his arrival and both remaining parties agreed to got to bed, the officer reports that after he exited the residence the female party came outside and complained that the man had pushed her, the officer reports he spoke again with both parties, neither claimed an injury or exhibited any signs of injury, both were advised they may contact the department’s domestic violence advocate.

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