
Police log, June 3, 2016


Major crime and incident report

Thursday, June 2, 2016

8:15 a.m.: Vandalism, Court St., Berkshire Bank. The bank was reportedly vandalized by being spray painted. No other information was reported.

11:56 a.m.: Breaking and entering into a motor vehicle, Belmont St. Woman reported that her vehicle was entered and her wallet was stolen. The vehicle was said to have been left unlocked. No arrests were made.

2:04 p.m.: Vandalism, motor vehicle, West Silver St. A woman reported that the tires of her vehicle were slashed. She reportedly left the vehicle at another person’s house, and said that she may know who perpetrated the crime. No arrests were made.

3:05 p.m.: Larceny, 141 Springfield Road, Wal-Mart. Someone walked into the police station and reported that their cell phone was stolen from a shopping cart while they were shopping. No arrests made at the time of the report.

5:18 p.m.: Larceny, 57 Main St., Stop and Shop. Police arrested Jeffrey W. Bushey, Jr., 22, of 199 Etna St., Naugatuck, Conn., and charged him with larceny over $250 after loss prevention informed police that Bushey had shoplifted a cart full of groceries. According to the report, loss prevention employees pursued the suspect and the suspect abandoned the groceries. Police then arrested Bushey.

7:31 p.m.: Motor vehicle-related theft, 141 Springfield Road, Wal-Mart. A person walked into the police station and reported that while they were parked at Wal-Mart, someone may have stolen their license plate. No arrests were made at the time of the report.


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