
Police Log, March 27, 2016

Major crime and incident report
Sunday, March 27, 2016
12:01 a.m.:
officer wanted, Harvest Moon Lane, resident reported that his daughter received a text message saying that there was a party at their house but the entire family was out of town, neighbor went over and got people out of the house, officers secured home, involved party’s parents notified;
7:29 a.m.: suspicious, Jefferson Street, resident reported waking up to find his window screens pushed in as if someone had attempted to gain entry;
9:49 a.m.: accident, S. Maple Street, 2009 Mitsubishi and 2009 Lexus, no injuries, no tows;
5:36 p.m.: incapacitated person, Westfield Fire Department, 34 Broad St., had a drunk man come to their door and became belligerent, man fell down on the ground due to his level of intoxication, transported to Baystate Noble Hospital;
8:08 p.m.: illegal trash disposal; Powdermill Village, 126 Union St., a white van, driven by a man who did not live in the complex, was seen dumping bags of trash in various dumpsters, charges to be filed via criminal complaint;
9:51 p.m.: burglary/breaking & entering, King Street, caller reported that someone broke into his home while his family was away and took some property.

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