
Police log, Nov. 10, 2016


Major crime and incident report

Thursday, Nov. 9, 2016

10:44 a.m.: Identity fraud, walk-in. Police received a report from a resident who claimed that their identity was used to enroll in a food stamp program. No arrests or losses were reported.

1:15 p.m.: Larceny, Home Depot, East Main Street. Police received a report from an employee of Home Depot that there were at least two drill sets stolen between Nov. 1 and Nov. 4. The values of the sets were $299 each. Police had a suspect but no arrests were made at the time of the report.

1:42 p.m.: Burglary, Mechanic Street. Police received a report from a business that repairs various equipment. One of the pieces that was requested to be repaired, according to the employee, had a serial number on it that linked it to a possible theft. Police did not make any arrests but are investigating.

5:14 p.m.: Motor vehicle violation and arrest, Pontoosic Road. Police stopped a vehicle operated by Krystal A. Gamelli, 33, of Westfield, after the vehicle was found to be reportedly speeding. Upon running the information of Gamelli, it was also found that she had a revoked license. Police arrested Gamelli and charged her with operating a motor vehicle with a license revoked as a habitual traffic offender and speeding.

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