
Police Log, Oct. 1, 2014

Emergency response and crime report
Wednesday, Oct. 1, 2014
8:20 a.m.: larceny, Main Street, a resident came to the station to report that his bicycle was stolen, the man said that his bike had been chained to the fence near the Main Street bus stop and was last known to be in place on Monday, the complainant does not require a formal report but wants his loss documented;
9:48 a.m.: burglary, Meadow Street, a detective reports she was advised that a bar was broken into on Sunday, see story in the Thursday edition of The Westfield News;
11:35 a.m.: larceny, East Main Street, a caller reports a shoplifter has been detained at an East Main Street discount store, the responding officer reports a loss prevention employee said that she saw a woman secreting items in her purse and pockets and saw that the woman paid for only a few items in her cart when she checked out with merchandise in her purse and pockets, the woman was confronted as she attempted to leave and was cooperative, the officer was told that 25 items with a value of $38.90 were recovered, a criminal complaint was filed and the woman was served with a ‘No trespassing’ for all the stores in the chain;
12:34 p.m.: arrest, School Street, detectives sought the subject of an outstanding warrant at his workplace, Corey Pac, 24, of 20 Arnold St., was arrested without incident on a warrant issued in 2013 by Westfield District Court;
2:28 p.m.: animal complaint, Elm Street, the animal control officer reports that she investigated a report of a rabid squirrel and seized the squirrel for observation, see 4:01 p.m. Friday entry;
2:39 p.m.: motor vehicle violation, North Elm Street, a patrol officer reports a routine check revealed that the registration of a vehicle seen operating on North Elm Street had been revoked for lack of insurance, the vehicle was stopped, a criminal complaint was filed and the car was towed to the police impound yard;
2:39 p.m.: motor vehicle violation, North Elm Street, a patrol officer reports a routine check revealed that the registration of a vehicle seen operating on North Elm Street had been revoked for lack of insurance, the vehicle was stopped, a criminal complaint was filed and the car was towed to the police impound yard;
4:48 p.m.: disturbance, North Elm Street, a caller from a North Elm Street gas station reports that two male parties who have previously threatened him had words with him after he asked them to leave the station, the responding officer reports the two men stayed in the area to present their side of the issue, the caller said that he had previously told the men not to return but they came back to buy gas, both men were served “No trespassing” orders but one crumpled the notice and threw it in a trash can;
5:44 p.m.: identity fraud, Plymouth Lane, a resident came to the station to complain of an apparent phone scam, the responding officer reports the victim received a telephone call from somebody purporting to be an IRS agent and gave him some personal information before he realized his error, no fraud occurred but the caller would like the incident to be documented;
6:26 p.m.: larceny, Elm Street, a caller reports a larceny from an Elm Street restaurant, the responding officer reports the owner said that a large potted plant was stolen from the rear patio overnight;
7:34 p.m.: motor vehicle violation, Main Street, a patrol officer reports he stopped a moped operating without a rear light, the officer reports the operator was found to be unlicensed and the moped was transported the police impound yard;
8:28 p.m.: infrastructure complaint, Buck Pond Road, a caller reports wires are down in his yard and he can hear them crackling, the G&E was notified and responded;
9:00 p.m.: assist resident, Meadow Street, a caller requests an escort to gather property at a former residence, the responding officer report the woman gathered many of her belongings but could not take a bed and other large pieces, the two residents were advised that they will have to made arrangements between themselves to remove the larger items;
10:22 p.m.: found property, a person brought an ATM card she found to the station, the responding officer reports the owner of the card could not be contacted and it was stored for safekeeping.

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