Major crime and incident report
Saturday, March 28, 2020
Midnight: disturbance, Forest Avenue, a called reports his roommate is instigating an altercation and tried to cut him with a knife, the responding officer reports an incident report was filed;
3:15 a.m.: vandalism, Elm Street, a patrol officer reports that red paint has been sprayed on one of the stanchions of the river walk overhang, an incident report was filed;
10:52 a.m.: larceny, Springfield Road, a caller reports three persons were stealing items from a donation bin, the responding officer reports two person were served with ‘No trespassing’ orders and advised to leave the property.
7:23 a.m.: disabled vehicle, Davis Road, a caller reports a vehicle in the woods and people attempting to remove it, and officer reports the vehicle was disabled but not involved in an accident.
10 a.m.: fire, Gillette Avenue, a caller reports concerns with a neighbor burining items in the yard, a burn permit was in use and regulations being followed.
10:34 a.m.: harassing calls, North Loomis Street, a resident reports receiving unwanted text messages from a known party for over a week, an officer advised her to document the messages and contact Westfield District Court for a harassment order.
11:15 a.m.: distancing order complaint, South Longyard Road, a caller reports patrons using a to-go restaurant are congregating too closely, the matter was referred to the Board of Health.
1:30 p.m.: suspicious person, Depot Street, a reporting party witnessed a person going through the vehicle of a person know to the complainant, the vehicle owner was in the hospital and the reporter left messages to contact the family.
1:51 p.m.: shots fired, Evergreen Street, a caller reports new neighbors moving in using a firearm on the back deck, an officer reports it was a BB gun.
3:34 p.m.: gathering order complaint, College Highway, patrons of a restaurant reported eating their take out food in the parking lot, police dispersed the group.
5:55 p.m.: concerned citizen, Mort Vining Road, a caller reports shots being fired from one of two neighbors, the investigating officer found no evidence of firearms being used and found multiple disputes among the neighbors.
7:51 p.m.: fire, College Highway, a caller reports concern of a structure fire, firefighters found a contained brush fire.