
Letter: Wake up call to humanity

To the Editor,
What a scary time we are going through, we can’t help but to worry for our loved ones and fellow Human Beings.  This Pandemic has us labeled as one, the Human Race.  All peoples of the world are fighting the same invisible enemy.
Oh how we took for granted the simple things in life such as hugging, shaking hands and celebrating all the events of life and living.  From sports, recitals, worship and so on.  I know we will survive but we all have to do our part.
The scenario of “one rotten pickle can spoil the whole barrel” has never been more true.  Showing our kindness means staying away and sheltered in our own home.  Let the brave men and women on the front lines do their jobs.  If we do this we will soon be able to say “reunited and it feels so good”.
Stan Halla
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