
Police Log, September 10, 2013

Emergency Response and Crime Report
Tuesday, Sept. 10, 2013
8:49 a.m.: city ordinance violation, Sherman Street, officers inspected a Sherman Street property and observed nine unregistered motor vehicles and various automotive parts scattered on the property, a representative of the building department was notified and responded to the property;
11:37 a.m.: assist citizen, Colonial Pine Acres, 50 Southampton Road, a caller requests assistance gathering his possessions from his mother’s apartment, the responding officer reports the man’s mother said that he was welcome to come and take his belongings, the officer reports the man picked up some of his property and his mother said that he could arrange with her to get more at another time;
12:55 p.m.: attempted larceny, East Main Street, a store manager reports a male party attempted to shoplift merchandise, the responding officer reports the manager said that the man grabbed some candy but relinquished it when confronted and left the area, the officer reports a search of the area did not yield a suspect;
1:19 p.m.: school investigation, Westfield Middle School North, a school resource officer reports a pupil brought firecrackers to school and threw one on a classroom floor, the officer reports the contraband was seized and school officials will take administrative sanctions;
1:39 p.m.: assault, Noble Hospital, Court Street, a nurse reports a patient said that the knife wound she was being treated for was inflicted Saturday evening, see story in the Friday edition of The Westfield News;
3:30 p.m.: found property, East Main Street, an employee of an East Main Street store reports finding a woman’s purse near a rubbish receptacle, the responding officer reports a dispatcher called the police in the owner’s home community and requested that the woman be notified that her purse is being held for safe keeping at the Westfield police department;
5:59 p.m.: assist other agency, Stanley Park, 400 Western Avenue, an officer reports he was asked by the male and female rugby coaches at Westfield State University to address their teams on the subject of the Westfield Police Department’s policy regarding underage drinking and he complied;
6:05 p.m.: officer wanted, skate park, South Broad Street, a caller reports that five boys with bikes are shouting obscenities despite her objections, the responding officer reports that he identified five boys and advised them that their language could lead to their ejection from the park, the boys agreed to stop cursing and behave appropriately;
6:22 p.m.: found property, Western Circle, a caller reports finding a glasses case which contains two pipes which may have been used to smoke marijuana, the responding officer reports the case apparently was dropped by a passerby, the officer reports he will properly dispose of the contraband;
8:13 p.m.: disturbance, Main Street, a patrol officer reports he observed a female party in a parking lot who was stumbling, crying and obviously upset, the officer approached the woman and observed multiple abrasions, the woman said that she had recently been involved in an altercation with her boyfriend but said her injuries were due to a fall, the woman declined medical assistance;
10:24 p.m.: larceny, East Main Street, a caller reports her vehicle was stolen from her workplace, the responding officer reports the woman said that she left work to find her car gone, the woman said that she doesn’t know if the vehicle was locked but said she still has the only key.

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