
Police Log, September 16, 2015

Major crime and incident report
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
7:57 a.m.:
vandalism, Hearn Building, 97 Elm St., resident reported that someone poured salad dressing or some sort of vinegar solution on his Harley Davidson;
12:03 p.m.: hit and run accident, 9 Madison Street, caller reported his neighbor backed into his vehicle and took off;
12:35 p.m.: accident, Van Dussen Apartments, 42 Arnold St., accident in the parking lot, one driver taken to Baystate Noble for laceration to forehead after hitting the windshield, one vehicle towed;
12:45 p.m.: accident, Westfield School of Music, 347 Elm St., three-vehicle accident, no injuries, 2005 Dodge Durango and 2003 Chevy towed from scene;
2:27 p.m.: accident, 14 Mill St at 115 W. Silver St., two-vehicle accident, one vehicle possibly struck side of a house, 2003 Mercury and 2005 Toyota towed from scene, one person transported to Baystate Noble Hospital;
7:03 p.m.: larceny, Walmart, 141 Springfield Road, security called to report that $400 worth of computer routers were stolen, suspects caught on camera;
7:09 p.m.: accident, 240 Union St. at 340 Springdale Road, car vs. motorcycle, 2007 Honda towed, one person transported to Baystate Noble Hospital with undisclosed injuries.

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