
Police Log, September 5, 2013

Emergency Response and Crime Report
Thursday, Sept. 5, 2013
1:39 a.m.: suspicious activity, Grant Street, a patrol officer reports he encountered a vehicle and spoke with the occupants to find they had been using a parking lot to launch two aerial fireworks, the men claimed that they only had the two they had already launched and a check of the vehicle revealed no others, the man were advised of the possible consequences of such actions and left the area;
2:15 a.m.: parking violation, Orange Street at Sibley Avenue, a patrol officer reports he encountered a vehicle which was parked on the sidewalk completely barring access to the sidewalk to pedestrians, a parking ticket was issued;
9:47 a.m.: parking complaint, Park Circle, a resident came to the station to complain that vehicles, apparently owned by college students, are parking on Park Circle without the required parking permits, the responding officer report two vehicles were ticketed;
4:15 p.m.: breaking and entering, Joseph Avenue, a caller reports her home was broken into during the past two days, the responding officer reports that the caller said that some time since 9 a.m. her home was entered apparently by removing an air conditioner, the officer reports the woman said that the only thing she has found to be missing is her camera;
6:07 p.m.: accident, East Silver Street, a patrol officer reports he encountered a tractor trailer unit which was stuck under a railroad overpass, the officer reports the truck was extricated;
6:16 p.m.: disturbance, Main Street, an officer responding to an abandoned 911 call reports the incident began as a verbal argument between a woman and her boyfriend and escalated when a relative of the woman interceded and punched her boyfriend, the officer reports no charges were filed;
7:31 p.m.: assist other police department, Kellogg Street, Wilbraham police request that a city officer take custody of a FID card and any firearms from a resident who is the subject of a protective order in their community, the responding officer reports the subject of the order has moved from his last known address, the supervisory officer reports that the man had previously surrendered his FID card and all known weapons;
10:53 p.m.: liquor law violations, Court Street, Broad Street, East Bartlett Street, Elm Street, a community policing officer reports that city ordinance violation citations were issued for violations of city liquor control ordinances at four locations.

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