Major crime and incident report
Wednesday, Dec. 19, 2018
2:23 a.m.: recovered stolen vehicle, Lynnwood Drive, an officer working a stationary radar post reports he observed a vehicle pass with windows which appeared to be too darkly tinted, the officer reports that he followed the vehicle but before he activated his take down lights the vehicle accelerated to a speed estimated to be more than 100 mph, the officer did not attempt to pursue the car but searched for a possible crash, the vehicle was found legally parked and unattended on Lynnwood Drive, a search for the operator was unsuccessful, the registered owner was found to live in Southbridge, police in that community reported that they were able speak with her although she had moved to Holland, the woman told Southbridge police that she was unaware her car was missing and subsequently reported it to be stolen;
10:50 a.m.: animal complaint, Fox Hill Drive, a caller reports a stray dog, the responding animal control officer reports the medium sized black dog was transported to the municipal animal shelter;
4:19 p.m.: accident, Arnold Street, a caller reports an SUV struck a light pole and “took it out”, the responding officer reports the light pole was in danger of falling, the G&E was notified and responded, Northampton police were asked to check on the registered owner of the vehicle who is believed to be responsible;
10:02 p.m.: found property, Root Road, a person came to the station to surrender a set of car keys found on Root Road, the responding officer reports the owner of the keys which appear to be for a Hyundai vehicle could not be determined and they were stored for safe keeping.