
Police Log Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Major crime and incident report
Wednesday, March 7, 2018

7:04 a.m.: vandalism, Phelps Ave., a caller reports she has discovered damage to her vehicle which she believes may be related to an ongoing issue with a neighbor over a parking space, the responding officer reports no physical altercation occurred and peace was restored;
10:42 a.m.: larceny, Stop and Shop, 57 Main St., a detective reports a store employee advised that a review of security video showed additional shoplifting by a male party previously charged with shoplifting, the detective reports the store management opted to handle the issue internally;
4:46 p.m.: police report parked vehicles are impeding snow removal from many city streets, thirteen parking citations were issued and two vehicles parked on Day Avenue and Chapel Street were towed to the police impound yard.

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