
Police seek assistance IDing suspect

WESTFIELD–The Westfield Police Detective Bureau is seeking the public’s help to identify a suspect possibly involved with counterfeiting.

The detective bureau posted a number of pictures on their Facebook page of a male suspected of possible counterfeit of over $500. The pictures show the male, as well as a vehicle that police believe may be the suspect’s.

A picture of the counterfeit suspect from the Westfield Police Detective Bureau’s Facebook page.

According to Westfield Detective Todd Edwards ,the suspect had allegedly purchased a number of items with over $500 in counterfeit $50 bills. The items, Edwards said, could be easily converted into money.

The incident occurred Dec. 16, Edwards said.

If you have any information, the department requests you contact Edwards at 413-642-9389 or [email protected], or you can send them a message on their Facebook page.

A picture of the counterfeit suspect’s possible vehicle from the Westfield Police Detective Bureau’s Facebook page

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