
Prescribed burns at Southwick Wildlife Management Area

SOUTHWICK – The Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife (MassWildlife) will be conducting prescribed burns at Southwick WMA this year, when conditions to safely and effectively conduct such burns permit. The exact date, time, and location of the prescribed burns will depend on weather and fuel conditions. The burns are conducted by highly skilled crews in collaboration with the local fire department and the Department of Conservation and Recreation’s Bureau of Forestry and Fire Control.
These Wildlife Management Areas will remain open to the public but localized road/trail closures may occur on the day of burning. MassWildlife asks the public to keep a safe distance from posted burn areas on the day of burning.
Periodic prescribed fires are vital to maintain many native trees, grasses, shrubs, wildflowers and wildlife. Plants such as little bluestem and lowbush blueberry flourish with periodic fire and plants such as wild lupine depend on fire for their long term survival. Many of these same plants provide critical habitat and food for rare and declining wildlife such as grasshopper sparrows as well as more common wildlife including woodcock, white-tailed deer and wild turkey. Prescribed burns maintain the open character and plant diversity within native grasslands, blueberry heathlands, and pitch pine and oak woodlands. The prescribed burns also help reduce dense flammable vegetation and hazardous fuel conditions.
If you have any questions regarding this management activity, please feel free to contact Ben Mazzei at Massachusetts Division of Fisheries & Wildlife, at (508) 389-6306 or email Ben at [email protected].

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