
Pulse Line, September 24, 2012

I received a response from you and perhaps I should be clearer.  I asked: “Since when do the police not get involved when it relates to a dog attack? I dialed 911 Sunday during a dog attack and was told to call the Dog Officer in the morning… really?” You responded: In reading the daily police logs, it seems that when the police get a call for anything, they respond. We don’t know of any call being ignored Sunday. I never said the call was ignored. I said that I called and was told that they (the police) would not come out for a dog attack, that the dog officer handles that. I have called in the past about the same dog and they have come to our neighborhood and responded. Now they don’t?

To the person or persons who pulled down the string bean plant off the sign post in front of Westfield Yarn on School St. a couple of weeks ago and left it in a heap on the side walk: I suppose it was just something funny to do. We planted the seeds to see if they would grow. Lo and behold they did flourish into a beautiful plant growing in an urban setting. The plant was nurtured all summer and produced wonderful beans. The plant put a smile on many faces passing by. I am just sorry that you didn’t see it that way.

Riding to town yesterday the city was paving potholes on Western Ave. with a police officer riding on the running board of the dump truck. Have we not learned anything?

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