Westfield Newsroom


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As a lifetime educator in the City of Westfield, I am very disappointed in the unnecessary, over-the-top behavior of the 2 fairly new, fire department personnel that are currently visiting our schools. There is not a person alive who does respect firefighters and the work they do. Deservedly so, they are highly respected, vital members of every community and it is important for all of us to acknowledge and thank them. However, just because they work for the fire department does not mean that their actions and behaviors should not be made public and questioned. As do all communities, the Fire Department sends people around to visit every school in the City at the end of summer, and they give feedback to the principals on how to stay safe. Yes, this is great and very important. However, these 2 new people want to make a big impression on others and obviously do not know the meaning of reasonableness. Beware of classrooms looking inviting for children – they deem almost EVERYTHING to be a fire hazard, and they told the principals to remove every such item. A small, smiling face on a door was ripped down in their walk-through because it’s a fire hazard. A star with your child’s name on it – fire hazard. A teacher made beautiful letters of her name to welcome her students on the first day, well those won’t stay up for long. She was told to take them down because they’re a fire hazard. The list goes on and on. 3 pillows in a classroom so children can snuggle up in a corner and read a book – fire hazard. A couch in the teacher’s room which I for one have used many times in my long career because I wasn’t feeling 100% but I didn’t want to take a sick day – fire hazard, etc…. It’s sad that some professions are above reproach. We should all be questioned on our actions, including the lifesaving work of firefighters. We’re just asking them to be reasonable and let us educators make schools inviting and warm places for young minds to learn and grow. If you have ever seen a minimalist, bare classroom, especially on the elementary level, it is not the type of environment you would want your own children in. Do you think it’s possible to keep them safe and have a stimulating and nurturing environment to learn in? I think so! Oh, yes, and they even wanted to have a fire drill 30 minutes after school opened on the first day of school. If you have ever been in an elementary school on the first day, you would understand the lunacy of this. Many of children are still figuring out where they should be going, parents haven’t left yet from walking them to their classrooms, and the teachers are just taking attendance 30 minutes after the bell rang. Well, I guess my school is lucky, they begrudgingly agreed to having the fire drill 60 minutes after the bell rang. Those poor first graders, be prepared! Sometimes in life it can be hard with new people on the job and you just miss the more experienced and wise professional.

To the editor (to publish): To whomever took it upon themselves to break into my home & rob me. This doesn’t make you a hero—it makes you scum. The police say you are someone I know & you know the house. I’m an elder & disabled veteran. The things you decided to steal are not for the most part replaceable. (Family things.) So you can run but you can’t hide forever—what goes around comes around, and that can’t been soon enough for me. I believe I know who you are and once I have proof the police will come and find you—every thief makes mistakes.

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