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The question that is being dodged is this; What is government going to do to reduce its hunger for more and more and more and more and more of the PEOPLE’S income?  You mean to tell me that the local government believes EVERY working person, and retiree’s dollar, that is thrown into the government ‘boiler’, is generating an efficient Btu outcome toward public service? The concept of compulsory service for the PEOPLE seems to be forgotten.  When is ‘enough’ enough?  It never is, for government.  Government cannot thrive if it is not fed more and more every year.  The military public servants do their jobs no matter what the U.S. Congress decides to pay them. Why do municipal government politicians think it’s impossible to fulfill their commitments on less, or as much, money as they had the year before? Government never seems to be satisfied enough to bring itself to ‘burp’.  What has Westfield’s government done to explain to the people that it is sharing any sacrifices?

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