
PulseLine, April 18, 2013

Hi! This is Southwick calling. I know spring is here and the kids are outside but I wonder if there’s anybody out there that could advise me on what I can do about the dirt bikes that are going up and down the road. I understand that kids need to be outside to play but the nuisance is back. We live in a nice quiet neighborhood down the hill. Woodland Ridge is a very nice place to live but without leaves on the trees we hear those bikes all day. Now they’re using our wonderful little neighborhood as a racetrack and I just wondered: is there anybody out there that can help me? Thank you.

The Single Stream recycling still has me concerned. So, if I understand this correctly, we will have two barrels. One for rubbish and the other for tin, plastic, cardboard and newspapers. Is this really recycling?? Do the items ever get separated?? Is this really the way to go if we really want to help the environment??? Please print the hours of operation and the phone numbers for the DPW and Health Dept. Thank You. Any questions regarding the recycling program may be directed to the Recycling Coordinator at (413) 572-6206.

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