
PulseLine, April 24, 2013

This is for the JERK on Meadow Street, that was letting his pit bull poop in my yard and then yelled at me when I asked him to clean it up. Next time Buddy, you will be wearing it. Jerk.

Good evening PulseLine. I just wanted to pass on a comment about our new dumpsters that will coming in the near future for the recyclables. I think it’s a great idea. Looking forward to it. But is it at all possible that we could have the option to keep our regular sized dumpster for our regular trash? I really do appreciate the bigger bucket and it does work really well. My thoughts to the health department on that. Thank you.

Well tonight, Citizens of the U.S. I’m not proud to be a citizen of the United States of America, hearing they’re going to make a movie about the life of the guy who bombed the marathon in Boston. Why? Why? He killed somebody. Why do they have to make a movie about his life? What about making a movie about the life of the people that were interrupted and their life because of him? You know, the person making the movie should be tried for treason, writing a movie about a terrorist. That is not right. Nobody should watch the movie and it’s not fair to the people that had to die because of this person. This person should be hung not gratified.

Good morning. This morning I drove by downtown Westfield where you’ve eliminated the block of stores. It is open land ready to be developed and of course of over the past few months we’ve talked about a parking garage and a bus stop facility. Gentlemen, I think if you’re talking those two items they’d better be on the lower end because of the fact that you’re going to have to look for something quite unique. You have the ideal opportunity. And if the two things coming out of your mouths are the bus stop and the parking garage, you’re barking up the wrong tree. It’s got to be different, unusual, whether it’s a unique facility giving eight different restaurants, but do yourself a favor, do some actual studying on this and I don’t want to hear anything else about the bus stop and the parking facility. Be unique! Different! Unusual! Now is the time and this might be the shot in the arm that the City of Westfield and downtown needs. Thank you for your time. By law there must be a certain number of parking spots available based on the square footage of a business. In the case of the proposed professional building which is expected to span from Arnold St. south along Elm St. to the Church St. commons, a parking garage will need to be constructed in the rear of the building.  Once a study has been completed to determine the actual size of the building, the size of the parking garage can then be determined.

I see where Brian Winters has got the councilor, Ward 2. That’s great. He’s followed the rightful steps to fill that position. I know there’s been other people on the council who probably didn’t really care about the decision but you gotta remember: it’s like the good old boys in Southwick. They kinda run the show and appoint who they want. In Westfield it’s a little different story. So I’m glad to see that Brian Winters has made the grade on that. Thank you.

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