
PulseLine, April 29, 2013

I mean no disrespect to Detective Brian Freeman, but am I the only one skeptical of the story presented to him by the two young men who admit to the not very funny story about the rabbit heads? How is it possible that five rabbits were victims of road kill and found on the same night? How is it possible that none of the rabbits’ heads were hurt in their “accidents”? It is not very often that we see one dead rabbit in the road, much less five. This incident should be investigated further and reported to the animal rights groups and lawmakers who are currently proposing stiff penalties for animal cruelty in the PAWS bill. Det. Freeman has said that he is unsatisfied with the suspects’ account of the source of the rabbits but has been unable to find any evidence to impeach their claim. Although his investigation is ongoing, in the absence of other explanations or reports of missing rabbits, he does not predict any revelations in the near future.

Yeah, hi I would not know who I would contact on this but I’m driving down Servistar Road. On the end towards Southampton Road, both sides of the road is just a freaking pigpen from where the trailer trucks pull over and eat, there’s like huge amounts of garbage for a half-mile on that road or a quarter-mile, whatever. I don’t know if we got community service still or something but that would be a good place to put them and have them clean up that road. Somebody’s got to do it. It is disgusting. The buildings there, the employees, somebody in that area, whatever… It needs to be taken care of. It’s a pig pen – disgusting. Thank you.

I would like to answer some of the comments made about my apparent frustration with the government. First off 30 years ago I was going thru a divorce and spent 10 months on welfare. Back then you had to go to a local bank and pick up your food stamps. It was a embarrassment to do so. Guess what I got a job full time and 2 part time jobs. I didn’t have another baby and work the system. I worked most of my adult life while my daughter went to school received a scholarship, participated in the girl scouts and she was very active in the YMCA. She was taught values and work ethic. I never enjoyed such things as going to bingo, joining social clubs or joining a bowling league. I worked. Six years ago I lost my job and stayed home to take care of my ailing mother. After she passed I cleaned toilets in a nursing home to pay the bills. I also give rides to the needy to food banks. Volunteer at the soup kitchen and also do charity work for the salvation army. My fellow man and there needs are always a concern for me. My frustration comes from a society that is made of makers and takers. The takers have increased because that has become a lifestyle for them. 43% of this country did not pay federal taxes last year. My frustration comes from my husband losing his job after 27 hard working years at a company that used to mean something to this town. I look around and see waste and mismanagement in just about every aspect of government. I do not believe that I stand alone in these sentiments. People are afraid to open their mouths because you will be labeled a bigot, or insensitive as you have. I have never had a insensitive day in my life. But enough is enough with moral destruction of this country. Peace & God Bless

I would like to share some thoughts about the ACO officer and shelter in Westfield. For years now there have been articles in the paper regarding all of the changes Mr. Frazer has made for our town and the help he has given to many animals & residents. I adopted a dog from him years ago-the shelter is run in a very proficient way! He and his volunteers work very hard caring for the animals & run one of the most efficient shelters I have ever seen. I would like to address previous comments about Mr. Frazer killing a moose or bear? Where did you get your facts? It is out of his jurisdiction to handle a wild animal-that is why we have EPO officers!! He may respond to a call but, then he needs to turn it over to the proper authorities. Before you pass judgement, perhaps its best to get all the facts, because not having the correct information will only make you look uneducated. We all need to live by certain laws, Mr. Frazer is only upholding what is right – he is not making up these laws, he is following them. Funny how the few good people out there that are actually making a positive difference for our community come under scrutiny. Mr. Frazer, I hope that you get an apology and return to work soon. The caring citizens of our town see the hard work you put in daily. Its too bad that the politicians of this town don’t work as hard as you do or stand up for what is right. I am behind you & you can be certain the news will get to the bottom of this and I will not be voting for the certain politicians that have caused you so much strife. I am certain that i do not stand alone in my opinion!

Here is the First Publication of an Ordinance – Dog License Period from the City of Westfield’s website:
SEPTEMBER 23, 2013
SEPTEMBER 19, 2013
That Chapter 4 of the Code of Ordinances be amended at Section 4 – 23 as follows:
Any person who, at the commencement of a license period (April 1 through March 31), is or who, during any license period, becomes the owner or keeper of a dog six months old or older, shall cause the dog to be licensed within 30 days. The city clerk shall issue dog licenses and tags on a form prescribed and furnished by the city.
The license record shall include the name, address, phone number and date of birth of the owner or keeper of the dog, and the name, license number, breed, color, age, sex, and the rabies expiration date of each dog and indicate whether the dog has been spayed or neutered. The license tag shall include the license number, the name of the city and the year of issue.
And Add:
Any person who becomes the owner or keeper of a dog six months or older, shall cause the dog to be licensed within 30 days. The license period shall be for one year from the day of issue.
Any license renewed after 30 days from its expiration date will be subject to a late fee.
The city clerk or its agents shall issue dog licenses and tags on a form prescribed and furnished by the city.
The license record shall include the name, address, phone number and date of birth of the owner or keeper of the dog, and the name, license number, breed, color, age, sex, and the rabies expiration date of each dog and indicate whether the dog has been spayed or neutered.
The license tag shall include the following: City of Westfield and a license number.
This change shall become effective for current licenses expiring March 31st, 2014 and new licenses issued on or after April 1st, 2014.
In City Council September 19, 2013
Passed to Second Reading
Brian P. Sullivan, President
A true copy, Attest:
Karen M. Fanion, City Clerk

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