
PulseLine, April 9, 2013

Yes, this is a message for Mayor Knapik, Chief Camerota and the Police Department of Westfield. I am moving out of the city of Westfield due to the fact that the police department does not patrol enough on Meadow Street or the following streets. There is a crime wave here. We already had somebody get shot on Bridge Street and they need to do more. They need to step it up. Instead of out there directing traffic for construction. Have you contacted the police department about incidents in that neighborhood? If you see something or have concerns, call the police department, not the PulseLine.

Hi! I’ve lived in Westfield for almost 40 years. This is the first time I’ve ever seen the street sweeper get the street clean. They either got a great, great guy, or they got a new machine. I don’t know what, but I just want to say I’m very pleased with how the streets are coming out.

Yes, reading your PulseLine Monday, April 8th, one of the articles was about I called in once after that block party about the dogs being around there, around the people and all. Well, the answer I just read was the person who defended the dogs actions were right in way. They got to be amongst people but a lot of these people don’t even teach these dogs how to act in public, whatever. So I think I still say they should not be around a crowd of people as in Stanley Park, whether they’re fireworks at the end of beginning of the celebration. It’s too much for them and I think it scares them more to be around a lot of people than actually helps them. Thank you.

I think all the taxpayers in Massachusetts should give state representative Nicholas Boldyga all the support we can to put a cap on the salaries of state employees. Thank you.

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