
PulseLine, August 9, 2013

Hiya doing? Hey – with this cigarette sales going up, does the state realize how many millions of dollars per day? It’s gotta be like 80 percent of a pack of cigarettes are sales tax already in tax. When our state doesn’t have that money and they get their wish and everybody quits smoking, where are we going to make up that money? I’m baffled about the millions of dollars. Now everybody is going to go and make New Hampshire rich and Connecticut. It’s crazy. They gotta think of where they’re going to get the money… we oughta be the first ones to do marijuana and make the money and have everybody come here because we’re going to be losing millions of dollars a day when people quit smoking. I know it’s unhealthy. I’m trying to quit because of health and money. Where is this money going to come from when nobody is buying them? They don’t look at the road ahead. And I know, that’s politics, right?

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