
PulseLine, February 13, 2013

Job well done to the BID snow clearing crew clearing the sidewalks along Elm Street this past Saturday. Thanks for all your hard work.

Why is the mayor making it sound like he wanted clarification from the court about the ward 2 seat that Brian Winters was elected to serve in, and doesn’t mention that he was sued by the citizens of Westfield? It was against the law for the council to give the option up to the mayor. Ward 2 has been without representation since the end of August and was supposed to have Brian Winters voted in 15 days later. Why does the mayor continue to break the law?

There is an expression that goes something like this: do not judge me until you have walked in my shoes.  This remark is said in defense of all the people that plow the streets of Westfield.  My street was not perfect but at least it was passable and I’m sure it will improve.  The complainers should go out and invest $40,000+ and sign up with the city and see what a hard job plowing almost two feet of snow is like.  Do these complainers realize that Westfield is the second-largest area-wise in Massachusetts? I doubt it.  I end this call by saying thank you to all the people that plowed.  And to the complainers I say stop and think about investing quite a few dollars and take up snowplowing and see what it’s like working 16-18 hours plowing the snow.  Again, thank you for all that plowed.

Good morning.  It’s Tuesday morning and I just came back home from going downtown and I just want to let everybody know that I think it’s absolutely disgraceful at the job that the city has done.  Side roads are only one car-length wide.  I was going by Dunkin Donuts on Main Street.  Granted, the sidewalk in front of Dunkin Donuts was plowed.  But the end of the sidewalk on the corner of Main Street and Taylor Ave. was completely blocked. And here’s this young mother with a baby carriage, a baby in the carriage and a little girl by her side, had to back up and go and walk on the road and endanger her life and her two children’s lives because somebody wasn’t smart enough to open up the end of the sidewalk.  Then, when I was going around the green, there’s a poor man in a wheelchair, on the road, going around the green because he couldn’t access the sidewalks.  You people should be ashamed of yourself.  Mr. Mayor: instead of trying to build new projects, why don’t you just concentrate on getting rid of some of the snow? What happened 20 years ago when the back loaders used to come and scoop up all the snow and they would take it off and they’d dump it in the Westfield River? If they did that then they’d have enough water in the river to fire your water cannons with. It’s disgusting, absolutely disgusting. The city officials should be absolutely ashamed of themselves.  I have no more words.  I’m at a loss for any more words.  Have a good day.  Having just experienced the 2nd largest single storm snowfall ever in our area you must understand that it will take work crews many days to make all roads and crosswalks accessible. These are times when neighbor needs to help neighbor. Grab a shovel and help rather than complain.

Crosswalks remain slushy Tuesday afternoon, after Saturday’s major snowstorm.


Heeding our own advice, Westfield News staff shoveled out some of the blocked curb cuts near the Green yesterday.

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