
PulseLine, February 19, 2014

Good morning! I was just wondering if you could answer a question as to why they are putting in the Pennysaver about Dr. Kroiak announcing his new location with Dr. Frangie when he’s been retired for over a year now and they’re still announcing he’s at his new location. Does the man have to die before they take his advertisement out of the paper? I hope you have a good day and you can answer that. Thank you much. Bye. Dr. Frangie purchased the medical practice of Dr. Krawiec and is now seeing all of his patients.

Good morning. I wanted to thank you for the beautiful pictures of the Westfield High National Honor Society induction ceremony and also for the winter birds. I thought those pictures were beautiful. Thank you so much. Bye.

Kacey Bellamy from Westfield is on the Olympic Womens’s Ice Hockey Team. They have played great and are going to be playing for a gold medal this week. As I read tonight’s newspaper, I see no coverage of this. I think the Westfield News should be reporting this, covering the story, and announcing when the games are. Dedication, hard work, and talent has earned her a position on the team. In all my years in Westfield I know of no other person from Westfield who has competed for gold in the Olympics. An honor like that should be on the front page of the paper instead of the usual same old stuff. Unfortunately, there isn’t a great deal of “news” other than scores from the games. With Kacey and her parents being in Russia, they are unable to be reached and not able to comment. Once we’re able to speak with a family member we will have more.

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