
PulseLine, February 20, 2014

Hi! I just read in the paper about the flags on the Green and at General Shepard. Is it against the rule to fly a ripped flag? I think these people should be either fined or have them taken down, especially General Shepard who has had it ripped since October. Thank you.

H. I just wondered what PVTA and also the city itself is doing about finishing cleaning, shoveling and clearing out around the bus stops and even the crosswalks because it is very difficult walking around. I personally have almost fallen getting on and off the bust this past week and it is really no fun even when you’re in your 30s or 40s to have to have somebody take your arm and help you wade through it because, you know, the snow is coated with ice on top of it. There isn’t room enough to walk and step, which is ridiculous. Mind you, the senior center’s driveway, somebody did a very good job with the opening in front of their entrance. Thank you.

Yes, I see in the paper where the new owner of the runway restaurant at Barnes Airport is planning to do quite a renovation. It sounds good and I wish him well. One thing has got to be brought to mind. I did read the whole article and they want to have a bar up top, you know, on the observation deck, etc. That sounds good. But you got to remember too that the observation deck was made available for the public to go up there and watch for the aircraft and maybe buy a soda or something. But they cannot change that up there, as far as not permitting the public. So I think there may be some SNAFU there. But I am going to get in touch with the airport manager there and talk with him and see what they plan on doing because the public enjoys going up there. They bring their kids up and no way can this new owner just shut everybody out unless you’re going to go up there and eat. So, I think we’re going to have a little problem here. Thank you.

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