
PulseLine, February 3, 2014

I would like to make an entry for the first time. I live on east silver street, and have for six years. helped neighbors out, im well known in my neighborhood. i am a single mom of two boys, taking full time college classes. I found out this week that a friend from Cape Cod, where I grew up, that was one of the best friends I have had in my life, is in stage 5, end stage kidney failure due to diabetes. I thought, since I walk every day in my neighborhood, I am a familiar face, that I would try to help with her fundraiser to help with costs for and as a result of a kidney transplant. I printed out a stack of the fundraiser flyers, brought my identification with me, so I would not be looked at as a scammer, and walked the neighborhood asking for help, even if it was just taking a flyer, reading it, and spreading the word. I walked for two hours, spoke with people who know me well, who I have helped in the past, not for any pay or pat on the back, but just because I like to help people in need if I am able to. The man that lives next door, who I considered myself close with, would not so much as donate a penny, nor take a flyer. I came home with nothing except the feeling that people are so heartless and unappreciative. I offered the flyer which explained the situation, how to donate, and my drivers licence, to ward off any suspicion that I had alterior motives. I was looked down upon, treated like a low life lying beggar. I have never felt so low in my life. I decided in the beginning that I would do everything in my power to help my friend. I went out with the attitude that I am well known in my neighborhood, I dont bother anyone, and I have helped plenty of people around where I live, just because I wanted to. I though people would be happy to help,no matter how small. If every door I knocked on gave me one dollar, I could have made a decent donation. I have a very different opinion on people after this experience, and I am shocked at the heartlessness of those I considered friends. This is a 30 year old that has had severe diabetes since the age of 15, who will not make it without a kidney transplant. No one gave a care about any of it. Every person I encountered spoke to me with a condescending tone, and treated me like I was a drug addict begging for money. I am just so devastated and shocked at the way I was treated. I just want to express to my community, my neighborhood in particular how shockingly selfish and heartless people have become these days. If I was on the other side, I would have taken a flyer, donated the last ten dollars I had, and decided that even if it was a scam, I was trying to help. And trust and believe, this is no scam. A young woman’s life is not even worth a penny to every single person I spoke with, Maybe I am nieve, or just too giving, but I will never look at people the same as long as I live. I certainly will not be so willing to help with whatever someone needs, even if it takes away from part of me. I dont even know what else to say. People should be ashamed of themselves.

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