
PulseLine, February 8, 2013

Hi! I see here in the paper that Southwick is still trying to figure a way to clean the sidewalks. I remember years ago Westfield used to clean the sidewalks and all they had was a small Jeep with a 6 or 7 foot plow. And it did just fine. They did this to push the snow out in the street so the snow blower, the big one, could pick it up and blow it into dump trucks. All they got to do is find a contractor with that size vehicle and they’ll be all set. Another thing about Southwick – I see they bought these lights that go on their guns and turn the light and point a gun at somebody. They’re doing because they say they want their hands free to help people out or do something. Why don’t they just buy a headlamp, like miners use, and other people use in other professions? Then they’d have both hands free to help people out. Seems to me like pointing a weapon at somebody is just asking for trouble. Thank you.

I’m reading the police log and a 12-year-old admitted to messing around by throwing a chunk of asphalt which broke a stained-glass window on Holland Ave. Question: now what? I certainly hope that restitution is made. If not, these brats will continue messing around.

Hi! I’m having trouble with my Comcast cable TV. After spending a ridiculous amount of time on the phone with three different people and a supervisor for them trying to reset everything from headquarters, wherever that might be, they said they’d have to send a technician out to look at what’s going on. And the soonest they can send a technician out here is going to be five days. I think something’s wrong with this picture. We got a contract with Comcast. They got to start doing a better job. Five days is too much to ask for service when you’re spending that amount of money a month for television.

After being in a checkout line in a Westfield supermarket I think it’s more than time our politicians did something to limit what can and cannot be purchased with food stamps. It is an outrage. I’ve lived here all my life and though I can afford lobster and shrimp, I do not expect the taxpayers to pay for it. But I see that happening quite often. Bottled water. As I’ve said I’ve lived in Westfield all my life, almost 70 years and I find no need to buy bottled water, especially if the taxpayers are paying for it. As far as the WIC program, that could be slashed, too. People should not have children they cannot afford and then expect the state or the feds to pay for it. Enough of these programs is enough. Lobster and shrimp is not mandatory on anyone’s diet that I know.

Yes, I have a question. I was driving by the soup kitchen and I’m wondering where all them people that use the soup kitchen get all their money, driving new vehicles – nicer vehicles than what I drive. But they still use the soup kitchen. What is wrong with this picture?

To the poor misinformed soul again requesting more useless “gun control” laws in Wednesday’s PulseLine, I would just like to let you know that the former US navy seal was murdered  by a mentally sick individual whose family had begged the state of Texas to lock him up, but their request was refused. He in fact later called his sister to inform her he had “sold his soul to the devil for a truck”,  apparently, he murdered the former seal on a gun range knowing the shots would not draw attention, then stole his pickup truck. So, I ask you again, why is the inanimate object being blamed for the actions of a mental defective who should have been locked up? And how many more deaths will it take for people like yourself to wake up and realize it is the system that is broken…a system of useless “feel good laws” that do nothing but harm law abiding citizens rights, while saving a buck by letting dangerously mentally sick individuals freely roam our streets, hoping their medications can control them. I also would like to congratulate Mr. Hoose for adding an air of credibility to this debate with his 50 plus years of experience against my 46, respectively. Regardless of 19th century law, the 2nd amendment as written meant exactly what I have previously stated, and I doubt the minutemen at Lexington and Concord were formed by the Governor. As for the Supreme Court, and their ability to interpret the meaning of cases before them, well, dare I say I believe the outcome thereof has more to do with the political leanings of the party which seated them? “I ask you sir, what is the militia? I say it is the whole of the people”-John Adams. “A free people ought to be armed”-George Washington.

Reading Wednesday’s edition of the Westfield News, it is reported on the front page that possession and use of marijuana is still a felony under federal law.  Wrong.  If your reporters submit material for the front page, I would think they would double-check their sources on accuracy.  Simple possession and use of marijuana is a misdemeanor under federal law.  Can I send you a bill under legal correction, Mr. Berry? Early in his lecture to the Planning Board and the Board of Health, David Baker, assistant professor of pharmacy administration at Western New England University said “Under federal law, it’s still a felony to possess, to sell, to distribute marijuana. This has not changed because of the state laws. This is still a federal felony.” I did not verify this statement nor did I verify any of the other statements Professor Baker made. My mistake, and I admit I made one, was in not attributing to Professor Baker the assertion you object to. I apologize for my error.  C.E.H.

Can someone please explain why a girl from Longmeadow won the Westfield colleen pageant? Don’t get it?

I’ve been hearing that he speed bump crosswalks in town are taking a toll on our Fire and Police emergency response vehicle, resulting in broken down vehicles which causes operating cost cost to rise and unneeded burden on again the tax payer. With these bumps they have to slow down when responding to possible life threatening calls; burning home, medical issue, violent attack or B&E.  I also believe a fair share of punishment is begin put on everyone’s vehicle that passes through town going over these structures. I agree that speed should be reduced but at what cost. Elsewhere I’ve seen rumble strips in the road before crosswalks and even speed sensors on lights that turn red when traveling over a certain speed, this would be nice down by Westwood to slow traffic.  City police report that the speed bump crosswalks are designed to slow traffic and are doing their job. Police vehicles, like all traffic, slow for the new crosswalks and no equipment damage or appreciable delays have been reported due to the speed bumps. The heavier equipment of the fire department is more affected by the traffic control devices and the department’s mechanic reports that operators of apparatus have been instructed to traverse the speed bumps at 5 mph to minimize wear and tear to the vehicles.

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