
PulseLine: Fireworks

Is it true that the NIMBY’s (Not In My Back Yard) have killed the 4th of July fireworks at Stanley Park? As a child my dad and mom took me to the dike off Orange St to enjoy the fireworks! However, people complained and they were moved to the Westfield High School field on Montgomery Rd. Then the people of Montgomery Rd complained about the noise and traffic and the fireworks were again moved to Stanley Park. Now it seems that the people living near Stanley Park can not stand to allow us to celebrate the birth of our nation with fireworks, food and good company, for a few short hours. I have been told that the only place in Westfield may be Barnes Airport, where the 104th Fighter Wing may host this American Holiday. Is this true? Signed, An Old Patriot Readers of The Westfield News would remember our article from October 2015 detailing the mutual decision to leave Stanley park between the Westfield Rotary Club, who sponsored the event, and the Park. 

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