
PulseLine, January 21, 2013

I see where the Governor is increasing income tax but decreasing sales tax. It is obvious to me that if he is not making enough off of the sales tax it is because our income hasn’t increased enough to be spending. Stop taxing us! Isn’t that one of the main reasons we came to America to begin with? Freedom! The government is taking our freedoms away one by one. They need to lower the poverty level if they are going to go up on my taxes. $35 thousand a year is not cutting it. The politicians are not representing the people of this country anymore. If it’s not increased state taxes it’s the dam city taxes. I have had enough, time for a revolution!

Stop stealing my hard earned money! cannot comment on a reaction; however, my elderly mother and senior citizen brother both had very severe reactions. My mother’s sickness worsens every year she receives the shot. My brother, received one for the first time this year, and was so sick (over a week) that he was almost hospitalized. I will not get a shot. My original reason to just say no is because of all the additives used to create the shot each year and the fact that there is no long term studies that can guarantee me that these substances won’t cause health problems in the future when we inject these chemicals year after year into our bodies. Now, knowing that close family member become extremely sick, I feel I’ve made the right decision for me personally. Perhaps many individuals do benefit by the receiving the vaccine but I am not ready, at this point in my life, to take the risk. I will continue to eat right, exercise and wash my hands frequently to lessen the risk of infection.

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