
PulseLine, January 30, 2013

I will address this one to the poor misguided soul who stated in Mondays paper that they believed in the second amendment so long that it pertained to the National Guard acquiring their weapons. Were that the case, there would be no need for the second amendment as the national guards guns are all owned by the government, so your argument makes no sense at all, why would the government need a constitutional amendment ensuring that the government itself has access to firearms? The very thought is beyond laughable, I mean, do you honestly believe the M-16 rifles they have are privately purchased? My friend, it is WE THE PEOPLE who were/are considered the militia, the private citizen with his own firearm. And thus, as such, any and all excessive restrictions thereof are unconstitutional as they infringe on our rights…. and we all know if you give government an inch, they will take a yard, and once that yard is gone, it is gone forever. If you don’t believe me, ask a Native American!

After reading again about the Pelican Plunge, I asked my cardiologist about that. He said it is absolutely ridiculous. And once one of those people who think this is fun has a heart attack over there, soon will be the end of the Pelican Plunge. We up people! It’s not healthy.

Hi!  Concerning the Western Avenue project: let’s try a couple of simple solutions before we destroy neighborhoods.  First, there’s enough back-facing land behind the college to put entrance/exit ramps down to Route 20 and, second, at the top and bottom of Lloyd’s Hill, especially on the top, the traffic that’s incredibly tied up there because the traffic coming down Western Avenue does not yield to left turns. We have a new method of taking a left which is cut off the car that’s waiting to take a left.  If we did a proper left and let the car that’s waiting go, then you go, it would significantly decrease the backup on the hill and Western Avenue.  I’m sure of this.  I live in this neighborhood and I end up in those tie-ups every day and that is a significant part of the problem.  So, could we try these before we end up with the horrific detriment of our neighborhoods? Thank you very much.

 I am constantly bombarded with requests for donations in the mail and phone.  The problem is the ones in the mail. Always have a calendar, cards, or some form of gift, as they say.  I can’t possibly give to all these charities but they put this guilt trip on you with their so-called gift and I don’t know what to do with these gifts.  I feel guilty using them without sending out a donation and I feel guilty throwing them away.  I have local charities that I routinely give to.  What do other people do? I can’t be the only one that has this dilemma.  Thank you.

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