I find PulseLine rather amusing. You should add a “like” and ” comment” spot. Then you wont have to worry about answering things. You know, kind of how they do it on masslive…
I’m calling regarding the transfer station stickers. I understand the need to have a sticker and I don’t have a problem paying the $10. My question is: Why can’t we buy stickers at the station for propane tanks, box springs, or any of this stuff, when this is their job to deal with these things but, yet, the Big Y can sell them to you? What does the Big Y have to do with our trash and what’s in it for them? Do they get anything out of this? Why can’t the guys at the transfer station do it? The guys down at the transfer station are not running around like Batman and Robin going 90 miles an hour. They’re very low-key and have the time to do it. I mean, the Big Y is in the opposite direction so you have to run all around town just to get a sticker. I do not understand this. Could you please inform me as to what the Big Y gets out of this deal and why the transfer station guys can’t do this? It’s senseless. Thank you. Bye. We reached out to Mayor Knapik: The employees at the landfill are not equipped to handle cash transactions. We will begin providing the citizens with the ability to pay for city services online within the next few months. This has been a goal of mine since I took office. It has taken this long to upgrade our IT infrastructure to support these types of transactions that have been going on in the private sector for over a decade. Since taking office 2.5 years ago, I have made modernizing our public services a top priority, and I am glad to say, we will make a major stride forward in this effort by summer’s end.
Hi, Pulse Line. I read a mention of how much harm that only ten dedicated people can do in the Pulse Line recently. Look at what a small group of NIMBY’S did to the electric plant that was going to go in the north end of Westfield. Look at what about 12 Concerned Citizens did to the multi-million dollar project in Russell, that would have used water and wood chips to make electricity. Look at what a small group of extremists did the Texon Paper Co. project that wanted to burn wood pellets rather than Arab oil to save money? C.C.R has been screaming about pollution of the Westfield River but last week the Department of Environmental Protection found none after exhaustive testing! Is it true that the chairman and vice chairman of The Concerned Citizens of Russell are moving out of town?
This is for the person complaining about their paper being rolled up and too wrinkled to read or to get a loved one’s photo from: 99 percent of the delivery persons are children. They are doing a fantastic job of making sure you get your paper on a daily basis thus saving you a trip out to your local store. For a lousy $3.00 a week, they are saving you that each day in fuel and time alone. Cut them a break! Do you even TIP them? Instead of going through all of the unnecessary bull of calling their manager, just talk nicely to the person delivering the paper and explain your problem. The other thing is… If you need to get a photo out the paper, all you have to do is contact the newspaper and ask for a re-print. The information about how to obtain that is in the paper so cut the kid’s a break!
Good afternoon, Pulse Line. This is Grandma Marion calling and I would just like to know if there is anyone who hasn’t received a post card from my grandson for the Washington, D.C. trip. I would greatly appreciate it if you called 568-5601 and left your name and number. He has some post cards left over so he knows he did not get to everyone. He had a wonderful time on his vacation and truly thanks everyone who helped him. Thank you.
So, the governor showed up to see the multi-million dollar taxpayer’s folly that completely destroyed any historical sites in the City of Westfield. That, of course, includes the ridiculous $500,000 clock. What a waste of money. What a destruction of historic Westfield.
I read in your paper where Father Crean recently celebrated his 50th anniversary of priesthood, and I think that’s terrific. However, it also said that donations were taken to send 145 desks out of the country. You know, there are poor people here, too. There are children who need help here. What’s wrong with giving to America?
On Saturday night a lot of money went up in smoke for 45 minutes of entertainment. How I wish, and I do love fireworks, that the money was spent wisely to feed the hungry. The money used to provide the fireworks at Stanley Park is from citizen donations to the Westfield Rotary Club who coordinates the event. For other events that the Rotary Club is involved in, please visit their web site: http://www.westfieldrotary.org/
Hi. I’m just wondering who the hot chick is in the Bob Pion advertisement on the front page of Saturday’s paper? Bob Pion is a Westfield resident, maybe he could tell us. Whew. The woman you are referring to is an actress hired by the company that creates the Pion ads.
Hi. This is to the grandmother of the young man who went to Washington, D.C. I’m the caller who mixed up young man and young girl. I’m sorry I made that mistake. I guess my brain isn’t what it used to be; I’m getting old. But I believe my heart was in the right place and was just trying to do something nice. Thank you, have a nice day.
I, for one, am glad that the people of The Westfield News take the time to respond to some of the comments that are called in. It’s good to know the right answer and the truth about some of the calls sent in. Keep up the good work. Thank you. No, thank you! For too long, comments in the PulseLine went unanswered and too many people believed everything in the PulseLine was true. It is our responsibility to make sure local citizens are accurately informed.
Hello. I think the fireworks at Stanley Park are a waste of time. It costs the city too much for the police when they could be used for fighting crime instead of blocking off roads. I’m very angry about how much money we waste on nonsense. See comment above regarding costs. Also, as The Westfield News has reported previously, the crime rate in Westfield is remarkably low for a city of this size.
Now that Chapman Park has opened up, the homeless have a new vacation home.
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