
PulseLine, June 21, 2013

I would love to go to the Westfield Athenaeum’s plant swap but I work until 5 and it is only until 4:30. Perhaps consideration could be given to extend the hours in the future. Also, I just make it to the Farmer’s Market before that shuts down at 5:30. Onto another note, this message is for people walking on roads without sidewalks. Please walk facing traffic. I witnessed 3 girls today almost get hit from behind and they never would have seen the car coming because they were walking with traffic.  Common sense dictates that pedestrians must be responsible for their own safety and should make choices taking into consideration the properties of the roadway in use but, where there is no sidewalk on either side of the road, they should walk facing the traffic in order to enhance their safety by maximizing their chances of seeing potential threats from traffic.

I see the mayor’s yes men and woman are at it again with the budget.  When our taxes go up, again, we have them to thank.  There is only five councilors who can use their heads.  The rest do the mayor’s bidding.

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